Suckling reflex

Probably, it's not a secret for anyone that out of all mammals, it is the human cub that is born the most unadapted to the outside world and requires very careful care and care on the part of the mother.

But nevertheless, there is an arsenal of important "skills" with which a child is born, and gives him the opportunity to develop harmoniously until he learns everything that will allow him to become independent. Probably the most important innate skill is a sucking reflex. It is he who allows the baby to develop harmoniously, receiving together with the mother's milk all the most important in order to grow large and healthy. The sucking reflex disappears in children aged 2 to 3 years.

But there are situations in which a disturbed sucking reflex prevents the child from eating normally. Let's consider what a sucking reflex is when it starts to form, and what is the reason for its violation.

What is a sucking reflex?

When you insert a finger into the baby's mouth, the child "grabs" it with the help of the tongue and palate and begins rhythmic movements - this is the sucking reflex. It starts to develop on the 32nd week of intrauterine development, and is finally formed by the 36th week.

Consequently, the sucking reflex in preterm infants will be absent, weakened or uncoordinated with the process of breathing (depending on the age of the baby). Therefore, the nutrition of premature babies is made through the tube, until the child is "ready" for breastfeeding.

Weak sucking reflex

The causes of a weakened sucking reflex can be completely different.

1. Make sure that the child is awake, not sleepy and wants to eat. To do this, slide a finger near the corner of the lips. If the child is hungry, he will try to "grab" your finger, taking it for the nipple.

2. Check if you have properly attached the baby's breasts:

3. If the child has difficulty breathing (with nasal congestion, a cold), this can also serve as an obstacle in feeding, so the baby will suckle languidly, with interruptions.

4. Also, the cause of a weakened sucking reflex may be the wrong shape of the nipples.

5. If you can not solve the problem on your own, consult a doctor, since a weakening of the suckling, and especially the lack of a sucking reflex can be a sign of serious diseases of the central nervous system.