What is the temperature with pneumonia?

Pneumonia is one of the most dangerous diseases of the respiratory system. The complexity of diagnosis is that pathology often occurs asymptomatically, especially in the early stages. Therefore, many people are interested in what temperature is usually observed with pneumonia, what signs will help distinguish this disease from other lesions.

Body temperature with pneumonia

The disease under consideration develops as a result of infection with bacteria. These microorganisms give off a special kind of toxins called pyrogens. These substances, getting into the blood, provoke a response of the immune system, which, in turn, causes an increase in body temperature. With the normal functioning of immunity, the column of the thermometer rises only to 37-38 degrees, usually in the evening, and in the morning the temperature drops to 36.6. This indicates the onset of slow or focal pneumonia .

If the thermometer shows the values ​​of 38-40, it is an acute inflammation of the lungs. In addition to this symptom, the patient suffers from chills, dry cough, insomnia, aches in bones and joints. It is worth noting that the described variety of pneumonia is fraught with a fatal outcome, especially with low immunity and lack of timely treatment. The high temperature in pneumonia often indicates not the bacterial, but the viral nature of the disease, so the use of antibiotics in this situation is impractical.

How much does the temperature persist with pneumonia?

In focal pneumonia, low values ​​of the considered indicator are observed from 3-4 days to 8-10 days. As a rule, the disease does not pose a threat to life, it proceeds relatively easily and is quickly cured. If both lungs are affected, duration fever is increased to 2-3 weeks.

Acute inflammation does not have a typical course. High temperature can last as long as 1-3 days, and several months, depending on the pathogen and the degree of respiratory tract damage.

The longest is pneumonia with a temperature of 37 degrees in chronic form. Prolonged pneumonia often goes unnoticed, since a slight increase in body temperature is not accompanied by stable clinical manifestations, the disease then recurs, then damps. This leads to irreversible pathological changes in lung tissue, severe complications.