Disease-causing bacteria

The advertising phrase that pathogenic bacteria and microbes are trapped at every step has real justifications. You can get infected without washing your hands after the toilet, eating a dirty fruit, or a stale product and even driving in a carrier carrying a bacterium. But it is not necessary to declare a boycott of microbes - among them there are useful microorganisms, and most of the pathogenic infections our body has become accustomed to resist since childhood.

Which bacteria are pathogenic?

If you approach the issue from a scientific point of view, you should not be afraid of bacteria at all: most of them live in our body since birth and regulate vital processes, such as digestion, hormone production and even resistance to infections. Yes, some bacteria, characteristic of our body, are opposed to the spread of other pathogens. This also applies to the natural microflora of the intestine, the vagina, the oral cavity, and even the ear canals. Some bacteria living in the body can become dangerous under favorable conditions for their rapid reproduction. For example, different cocci. Others get into the body from the outside and cause terrible diseases. Uniquely pathogenic bacteria include:

Fighting disease-causing bacteria

Disease-causing bacteria can cause diseases of the respiratory tract, the genitourinary system and most internal organs. Getting into an organism with weakened immunity, exhausted by high loads and stress, they multiply rapidly, constantly increasing the focus of infection. That is why without the timely administration of antibiotics, many of the bacteria can not be defeated. But only a highly qualified doctor can choose the right drug treatment, because for each species and kind of bacteria there is a certain remedy, suppressing their activity, or killing microorganisms. Treatment of infection with pathogenic bacteria is a complex process. It is much easier to take certain protective measures, in order to prevent their entry into the body.

There are the following methods of combating pathogens that do not allow them to enter the body:

  1. Pasteurization and sterilization of products . As is known, many bacteria do not tolerate high temperatures. With prolonged exposure, they die already at 30-40 degrees Celsius, a higher temperature can be used within just a few minutes. Disease-causing bacteria cause indigestion, when ingested with raw water and milk, not enough fried meat. But the thermally treated products are completely safe.
  2. Observance of personal hygiene . Infection pathogenic bacteria often occurs by airborne droplets, or by touching objects, the things of an infected person. Therefore it is very important to wash hands frequently, wash clothes, and ventilate the room. When coming home from the street, it is advisable to wash your nose and rinse your throat with warm water.
  3. Cooling allows you to stop the process of reproduction of bacteria.
  4. Salts and an acidic environment kill most microorganisms. Disease-causing bacteria and the diseases they cause are afraid of chemical effects.
  5. Direct sunlight kills a larger number of pathogens in the course of 15-20 minutes of exposure.