Cancer of the larynx - symptoms

Malignant tumor, which is localized within the throat and pharynx, is one of the 20 most common types of oncological pathologies. It is difficult to diagnose cancer of the larynx - the symptoms of the disease are typical for many other less dangerous diseases, and may not appear for a long time.

The first signs and symptoms of laryngeal cancer

In 80% of cases, the clinical features of the pathology are completely absent. This is due to the localization of the neoplasm. So, if the tumor is located on false vocal cords and epiglottis, it remains unnoticed in the early stages.

When the cancer progresses in the region of an arytenoid cartilage, there is a feeling of discomfort and unpleasant sensations when swallowing (as if there is a foreign body in the throat).

Neoplasms on true vocal cords most often provoke changes in the timbre of the voice, it becomes rougher, joining hoarseness, a desire to clear your throat.

The remaining clinical manifestations of pathology are observed already in the 2-3 stages of development, when the tumor increases in size or metastases are formed.

Signs of larynx cancer in women

Despite the fact that the disease in question is more common in men, it is often diagnosed in women, especially after the age of 60 years. Significantly increases the risk of a tumor if a woman smokes and consumes alcoholic beverages.

Symptoms and manifestations of laryngeal cancer in women directly depend on the stage and localization of the pathological process. After a change in the mechanism of voice formation and disorders in the structure of ligaments, shortness of breath is observed, which most patients attribute to other diseases. Over time, the opportunity to talk normally disappears, a person can communicate exclusively in a whisper.

In advanced stages of cancer, women suffer from severe pain syndrome, which is aggravated by swallowing and deep breaths, ingestion. Together with this, in the presence of perochondritis, the disintegration of tumor growth begins, which also provokes an intensification of pain that irrigates in the ear.

After a few months, there are additional clinical symptoms - hemoptysis, difficulty in the passage of food consumed along the esophagus, because of which the patient is constantly choking. In addition, laryngeal cancer is accompanied by a strong and fetid odor from the mouth due to the disintegration of the tumor, the increase in cachexia. Depletion of the body is complicated:

Among the visually distinguishable features, it is worth paying attention only to the clearly visible outlines of the neoplasm, which are distinguishable in the laryngeal lumen. Usually, the tumor can be detected with laryngoscopy only at its impressive size and at a late stage.

Symptoms of larynx and esophagus cancer

Often, these two types of oncological pathologies occur in parallel or develop due to the presence of one of them.

Characteristic signs are as follows:

The tumor can sprout into neighboring organs, provoking the appearance of the corresponding symptoms.