Paracetamol in pregnancy

Every woman who wears a baby under her heart tries to protect herself and her future baby from various diseases as much as possible. But it happens that even the most severe "isolation" failed, and the future mother had an inflammatory process. What to do in this situation? After all, when taking a child, taking medications is contraindicated. Do not panic immediately, because nervousness is also not desirable for such a critical period. If the gestation period is 1 or 2 trimester, then if you feel unwell, the use of paracetamol is possible.

When a woman has a fairly high fever during pregnancy, Paracetamol can be taken, and there will be no consequences from it. This drug is an antipyretic and analgesic agent, which does not contain aspirin. This indicator is a big plus for people who can not take aspirin. In addition, this drug is inexpensive, and its effect is rapid and effective. In the composition of many expensive medicines there is this element. So why overpay, if you can use the already proven proven means?

Of course, when you are pregnant, you should not treat yourself with Paracetamol alone and it's better to consult a doctor who can tell if you can use this medicine in your case. Usually, during pregnancy, Paracetamol is not contraindicated and it can be drunk in amounts indicated by the doctor. But already at the time of the 3rd trimester of pregnancy Paracetamol can not be taken. Studies have shown that taking this medication at such a late time can harm the child and he may have:

Naturally, such consequences are not necessary to anyone, so it is better to try to remove pain or temperature in safer ways. If the situation has developed so that there is no other way out, then one pill can be taken, but no more. IMPORTANT! Even if you can drink a pill of Paracetamol in late pregnancy, you should first think about the possible consequences.

Contraindications Paracetamol during pregnancy

At pregnancy women often take such a drug as Paracetamol. With its help you can get rid of mild pain of all kinds of occurrence, as well as knock down the heat caused by inflammatory processes.

But when using Paracetamol during pregnancy, do not forget about the instructions for the drug. It indicates the correct dosage of Paracetamol in various situations, including during pregnancy. The woman's body becomes weaker and more vulnerable during the period of gestation, so this drug should be used with extreme caution. Sometimes the result of its use can appear the following diseases:

The emergence of these diseases is not necessary, but it is better to take care in such a crucial and important period of life. Besides, Paracetamol has contraindications. It can not be taken in people who:

Do not forget that during pregnancy you are responsible not only for yourself, but for a baby whose life depends only on you. So it's worth trying to protect your health, and in case of illness, try to cure more natural methods, for example, to drink tea with raspberries and lemon, keep bed rest and so on.