Inoculation from tuberculosis

Today quite often adults do not want to vaccinate against tubercle bacilli to their children, believing that such vaccinations have phenol, mercury, etc. Of course, vaccinations against tuberculosis for children or not - the decision of the parents, but you should know that thanks to this vaccine in many countries the number of tuberculosis cases is significantly reduced. Although it can not give a person full protection from the causative agent of tuberculosis, 70% of the vaccinated do not get into an open form. In addition, almost all the children who were vaccinated against tuberculosis , usually do not get sick with its severe forms - tuberculosis of bones, joints.

When are vaccinated against tuberculosis?

This vaccine is usually administered on the 4th-6th day of the baby's life, i.e. still in the maternity hospital. If the vaccine against tuberculosis was made by a newborn during this period, then the reaction to it begins when the baby is 1.5-2 months old.

Post-vaccination symptoms go through the following stages:

  1. A light bundle (5-10 mm), which was formed on the site of grafting, rises above the skin.
  2. A vial with a yellowish liquid forms.
  3. By 3-4 months the vesicle bursts, and the place of vaccination is covered with a crust.
  4. The crust descends and appears again several times.
  5. After 5-6 months, most children have a tender scar (3-10 mm).

The place of grafting does not need anything to process, because Disinfecting solutions can kill her unstable vaccine strain. If you find an increase in lymph nodes under the arm on the left side - you need to turn to the pediatrician. This symptom is a manifestation of the complications of vaccination.

If a schoolboy at the age of 7 years has a negative Mantoux reaction, then the vaccine is administered a second time. Those. Inoculation against tuberculosis has a validity of 6-7 years, this is how much immunity is kept against infection.

It is in newborn babies that the most severe manifestations of the disease occur - lung and often brain damage, which leads to meningitis. Therefore, the vaccine against tuberculosis is made to the newborn as soon as possible. Early vaccination is needed in order for the child to develop immunity against such a dangerous infection.

BCG, as the vaccine against tuberculosis is also called, makes healthy newborn babies. Her version - BCG-M is used for babies, who have contraindications to vaccination. More often these are premature babies, newborns with hemolytic disease, lesions of the central nervous system.