Raw adzhika with horseradish - recipe

Everyone who has ever experienced conservation, it is known that in order for the blanks to stand for a long time, the products must undergo thermal treatment. Otherwise, the banks will "explode", and the workpieces will be lost. But even here there are small exceptions - they are "vitamins" made of berries that are closed with a lot of sugar, and adzhika, which, in addition to the standard ingredients, also includes the horseradish root . It is thanks to the last component in this preparation that bacteria that cause fermentation do not spread and it can stand for a long time, but always in a cold place. How to make a raw adjika with horseradish, read below.

Recipe for raw adjika from tomatoes with horseradish



With tomatoes, peel the skin, after pouring the vegetables before boiling water. The root of the horse-radish is cut into small pieces. Sweet peppers are cleaned from seeds and also cut into pieces. We peel the garlic, cut the stalk from the bitter pepper, the seeds can also be cleaned, or left. All the prepared ingredients are twisted in a meat grinder. In the resulting mixture we put sugar, salt, pour vinegar, then mix and leave the watch for 12. After that, we spread the obtained adzhika on clean sterilized jars, close them with lids (can be ordinary capron) and send it to the refrigerator. There it can be stored until the New Year.

Adjika raw with horseradish without vinegar



Pepper (bitter and sweet) is cleaned, remove the stalk and the heart. The root of the horse radish is peeled and cut into pieces, and we clean the garlic. Tomatoes are also randomly sliced. All the prepared ingredients are passed through a meat grinder, add salt and mix. We put raw adzhika on bottles or banks and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

Raw adzhika with horseradish for the winter



Tomatoes, peeled pepper, horseradish and garlic are cut into random pieces and twisted in a meat grinder. Or we use a food processor for grinding. The resulting vegetable mass is mixed, add sugar, salt, pour in apple cider vinegar and mix. We pour adzhika on clean sterilized jars and immediately put it in storage in a cold place.

Raw adzhika with horseradish and garlic



Vegetables washing, clean and cut into random pieces. Dill and parsley are small. All The prepared products are ground using a blender, a food processor or a conventional meat grinder. Add shredded herbs, salt and mix well. We spread the adzhika on the prepared sterilized jars and cover with capron lids. Immediately remove the storage in a cold place.

Council, which refers to all recipes for the preparation of Adjika.

Tomatoes are better to take red and fleshy. Then adzhika will come out more dense and tasty. Excellent for these purposes are suitable tomatoes varieties "Slivka", they are dense, fleshy and when processed do not give us unnecessary liquid. To everyone successful preservation and pleasant appetite!