Nutrition for arthrosis

The main enemy of joints is obesity. As a rule, patients who complain of pain in the knee and hip joints have too much excess weight. That's why they are recommended to adhere to a certain diet, which allows you to lose weight. Nutrition for arthrosis should be varied and balanced. Diet for arthrosis includes low-fat products of protein origin, vegetables and fruits, so your body receives all the necessary vitamins and trace elements. There is no need to starve, it can only lead to complications.

Protein is vital for the formation and repair of tissues, including cartilaginous. Doctors recommend the use of dairy products, especially cottage cheese and low-fat cheese, as they contain a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for strengthening bones. Proper nutrition with arthrosis means cooking dishes without oil, i.e. meat and fish can be stewed, baked, steamed. Do not forget about the beneficial vegetable fats found in buckwheat, beans, lentils, fish oil, etc.

Therapeutic nutrition for arthrosis also includes dishes rich in collagen, which plays an important role in the formation of cartilage and bone tissue. Thanks to it, the tissues become firm and elastic, and the condition of the joints also improves accordingly. Be sure to include in the diet of jelly and jelly, prepared from bone broth. Gelatin is also very useful, so you can pamper yourself with fruit or berry jelly and combine business with pleasure.

Nutrition for arthritis and arthrosis should include carbohydrates, because they supply the body with energy. However, they are different, useful and harmful. Simple (contained in various sweets, goodies) quickly give energy, but with a not too active way of life, most of these carbohydrates turn into fat. Therefore, with excess weight from these products must be abandoned. But complex carbohydrates are simply vital. They are found in vegetables and cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, etc.). This type of carbohydrates is digested very slowly, gives energy for a long time and is not delayed at the waist.

To improve metabolism, take B vitamins (peas, whole grain bread, beans, eggs, nuts). Although nuts are rich in various vitamins and microelements, but be careful, they are also high-calorie.