Unloading days from Elena Malysheva

According to statistics, 70% of people are dissatisfied with their weight. Often, having decided to lose excess kilograms and centimeters, people zealously get down to business, not thinking about the consequences. Refusal of food for several days, salt-free diets , diets on apples, protein, carbohydrate ... At best, after such diets, the lost kilograms quickly return, at worst - there are health problems.

Diet or fasting days?

Before you experiment with your own health, remember three important rules:

  1. Sharp weight loss in a large volume is always harmful and dangerous.
  2. Even during weight loss, the body should receive all that is needed.
  3. At selection of a ration consultation with the expert is obligatory.

With a modern rhythm of life, it is quite difficult to keep a diet. An excellent alternative can be unloading days, the purpose of which is cleansing the body, removing excess liquid and slag and, as a consequence, reducing weight.

One of the most successful options can be considered unloading days for Malysheva.

Unloading days

Elena Malysheva is known to us as the leader of health programs. However, in addition, she is a doctor of medical sciences. The diet of these days is formed by her taking into account all the norms, the needs of the organism and the possible consequences. That's why Malyshev's unloading days are really effective and absolutely safe.

Elena Malysheva has developed several variants of the ration for unloading days. And each of them has its own characteristics. For example, a vegetable variant involves cleaning the intestines and saturating it with vitamins. The result is a reduction in puffiness and a healthy appearance.

The unloading day on grapefruit and green tea significantly reduces appetite and removes excess fluid, thereby relieving swelling. On such a day it is allowed to consume green tea without sugar in unlimited quantities and about 1.5-2 kilograms of grapefruit.

And on a protein day, the body spends more calories than it receives. Due to this, the fat mass is lost. Such days imply the use of protein foods. For example, it could be curd day or day on boiled chicken meat. It is allowed to use only one selected product and water without gas or green tea without sugar.

On a fasting day, the body is briefly put into a state of stress . Due to this, a rapid weight loss occurs.

Unlike the diet of Elena Malysheva, the principle of eating out for unloading days is not designed for a long time and how a diet can be dangerous. The maximum effect this way of losing weight will bring in case of infrequent use. It's quite enough one day a week.

And one more secret that will help achieve maximum effect: health is not one day is a way of life.