When to go to a gynecologist during pregnancy?

A great joy for every couple is the arrival of a desired pregnancy. Waiting for the coveted two stripes on the test is akin to expecting a miracle. And this miracle has been transformed into your life: the first delay, the first test and the positive result.

A woman, of course, may wonder if the test can not be cheated? But this happens quite rarely, especially if you did not use the cheapest option. If you still have doubts, you can take a blood test for hCG . There certainly can not be any mistakes.

The next question is related to when to go to the doctor at the onset of pregnancy? Some persistently believe that it is better not to rush and register on the second trimester. They say, they will force you to go to hospitals in such a critical period, to take tests and certificates for collection. Others at the first hint of pregnancy rush to check their guesswork. What does the medicine say about when to go to a gynecologist during pregnancy?

When to go to the doctor during pregnancy?

At pregnancy it is not necessary to postpone the first visit to the gynecologist for long term. Doctors unanimously call for registration as early as possible. This is necessary in order to make sure from the very beginning that the pregnancy is proceeding correctly. You may wonder - how on a tiny timeframe you can understand something about the course of pregnancy? In fact - you can.

First of all, you need to make sure that the pregnancy is uterine. That is, that the embryo, after its wanderings through the tubes and the uterus, has attached itself in the right place. The danger of an ectopic pregnancy is that with her all the symptoms of the pregnancy that occurred are identical to normal: and there is a delay, and the test is positive, and even the breast is poured. But with the passage of time and the growth of the embryo, the tube can not stand and burst. This is usually accompanied by heavy bleeding into the abdominal cavity. The condition is very dangerous for the health and life of a woman.

Another reason for pregnancy early to make a first visit to a gynecologist is the need to eliminate diseases of the genital area. Of course, if a couple really planned a child, then both future parents should have passed all the tests in advance and recover from all kinds of chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections, if any. All these unpleasant diseases can adversely affect the development and health of the unborn child.

In addition, make sure that pregnancy has come and needs to stop drinking medicines that are prohibited in this situation. And again - with the proper planning of pregnancy, you need to consult with your doctor in advance and decide which medications you need to refuse at the planning stage, and which ones can be replaced with less harmful for the unborn child.

The first reception at the gynecologist at pregnancy - procedure a little tiresome and demanding a lot of time. You will be questioned in detail to fill in certain forms and history, will write out the directions for numerous analyzes, weigh, measure pelvis and pressure, and examine them on the armchair. Perhaps the doctor will send you to an ultrasound.

Be prepared for this morally and physically, be sure to have a snack before the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy, take a bottle of water with you. And believe me, it is better to go through all this before the onset of toxicosis, that is, until 5-6 weeks.

Upon registration, you will be required to visit your doctor every month, take all the necessary tests, such as urine and blood tests, before each visit. Mandatory and ultrasound on the 12th, 20th and 32nd week of pregnancy. In addition, when registering and at the 30th week of pregnancy, you need to visit an oculist and an ENT doctor. But all this will be told in more detail in the women's consultation. So - we are not afraid of anything and we are boldly going to the reception!