Pregnancy 10 weeks - development of the fetus

The 10th week of pregnancy can not be called easy for either mother or baby. Mom may have a strong toxicosis at this time , and hormones continue to work, which leads to sharp mood swings, increased excitability and sleep disturbance. The cardiovascular system starts to work more intensively, the volume of blood in the body increases. The metabolism begins to work more actively.

Fetal size at the 10th week of pregnancy

The embryo on the 10th week of pregnancy is actively growing, weighs only 7 grams, and its coccygeal parietal size, which is measured from the crown to the coccyx, at this stage is 4.7-5 cm. The embryo skin is still transparent and underneath it can be distinguished vessels. This week's crumbs still have a big head and torso. Although the child is still very small, but he is already confidently moving into the uterine cavity, and repels from its walls. But at this time the pregnant woman does not feel these tremors.

Development of a child in 10 weeks of pregnancy

This week of pregnancy, all internal organs have practically formed. Already the elbow joints, fingers of hands, feet have already completed their formation and the membranes have already disappeared, now they will grow and develop. A diaphragm appeared, due to this the thoracic cavity separated from the abdominal cavity. The heart continues to form and actively performs its own, still primitive functions. And also the brain rapidly forms and develops, millions of neurons are formed. Mom in this period is desirable to be in peace, do not overwork, - all this is necessary for the normal formation of the nervous system of the baby.

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the baby has already formed the upper lip. Already, the beginning of the rudiments of baby teeth begins, so the future mother should eat calcium-containing foods.

Begin their formation of the external genitalia. On ultrasound it is still impossible to distinguish the sex of the child - they look the same. Despite this, if the child is a boy, his testicles are already starting to produce a male hormone, and the ovaries of the girls form follicles.

Already finished development of the intestines, rectum, bile ducts, but the liver at this time is still actively developing. Lymphatic and immune systems also continue to form. The baby's kidneys begin to form urine, which accumulates in the bladder and is discharged to the amniotic fluid.

At the fetus at the age of 10 weeks there are reflex movements, this indicates that the brain is already connected with nerve endings. At this stage of development, the crumb with pleasure develops tactile sensations, his body is very sensitive. The baby touches the walls of the fetal bladder, his own body, the umbilical cord, thereby already showing his curiosity. This little man is very active, can swallow and spit out liquid, pulls out sponges, and even curl.

The fetus in 10 weeks of pregnancy already has its own blood group, but it is still difficult to determine it. Very important information now is that if the embryo does not have deviations from genetics, then its further development is no longer threatened.

If for any reason you need to do an ultrasound at 10 weeks of pregnancy - you will have a miracle. Now an embryo the size of a walnut, but ultrasound can clearly see the shape of the body, you can see tiny handles, legs, ankles. If at this time the baby will be awake, perhaps even see how he waves with a pen, moves his legs and bends them. And by the end of the 10th week of pregnancy, the embryo is officially beginning to be considered a fruit!