Disclosure of the cervix by 2 fingers

With the increase in the gestation period in the uterus, processes are beginning to occur that involve partial replacement of muscle tissue with a connective tissue. As a result, new collagen fibers are formed, which have greater extensibility and flexibility than before pregnancy. Clinically, this process manifests itself in loosening and shortening of the cervix, as a result of which the cervical canal begins to glow at a later date. This is the way the gradual preparation of the uterus for the forthcoming birth takes place.

What features does the uterus have in late pregnancy?

Starting from 32-34 weeks the cervix begins preparing for childbirth. This is manifested in its softening around the periphery, but the portion of the dense tissue lining the channel still remains.

In primiparous women, the neck can only be passed by the tip of the finger at this time, but for those women who give birth repeatedly - one finger freely passes through the inner pharynx. So by the 37-38 week the cervix is ​​almost completely softened. Thus the woman can hear from the gynecologist, that there is an opening of a neck of a uterus on 2 fingers. The fetus itself gradually begins to fall into the small pelvis, putting pressure on the neck with its weight, which contributes to its further opening.

How does the cervix open?

Disclosure of the cervix begins directly with its internal throat. In primiparas it takes the form of a truncated cone, the base of which is turned to the top. A gynecologist at the examination says that the cervix is ​​short, and the opening is 2 fingers. As the fetus moves forward into the small pelvis, the outer uterine cervix is ​​stretched.

In women giving birth repeatedly, the opening of the cervix occurs, as a rule, faster and easier. This is because the external yawning of such women by the end of pregnancy is already ajar on one finger. That is why, often, the opening of the external and internal pharynx occurs almost simultaneously.

Immediately before when a woman is about to give birth (3-5 days), the opening is 2 fingers, and the neck is smoothened and depleted.

In those cases when the doctor, when examining a pregnant woman in a gynecological chair, says that the cervix is ​​too long, despite the opening of 2 transverse fingers, it is not necessary to count on birth in the next 3 days.

In which cases does the cervix need stimulation?

A week before the expected date of birth, a woman, once again visiting a gynecologist, can find out that the cervix of her womb is "immature" and needs artificial preparation for the birth process. This can happen after 40 weeks of gestation, i.e. when pacing. Often the neck is slightly ajar (the opening of 2 fingers), but it is not soft, i.e. fingers pass through the canal tightly.

The process of stimulation itself can be carried out in 2 ways: medicamentous and non-medicamentous. As the name implies, at realization of the first various medicinal preparations are used.

The second involves the use of various aids. So, quite often in this case, use sticks of kelp. They are introduced directly into the cervical canal, to its full length. At the same time, a woman experiences painful sensations. After 4-5 hours from the moment of installation, they begin to swell to increase in size, thereby mechanically opening the channel. Also, in order to increase the opening of the cervix, special tubules can be used, similar in appearance to the catheter, at the end of which there is a ball. By inflating air, it swells, thereby expanding the cervical canal, stimulating the onset of the birth process.