Whiteheads on the face - causes

Whiteheads on the face are unpleasant formations that can appear suddenly, and from the appearance of which no one is immune. White subcutaneous acne on the face or milium is a white-colored seal, where there are no signs of inflammation (like a normal pimple).

Causes of whiteheads on the face

The causes of the appearance of whiteheads are called set. These include: hormonal changes, lack of skin care or care that is not appropriate for the type of skin. Possible cause of their appearance may be excessive dryness of the skin or, conversely, pronounced fat content. Improper skin cleansing, comedogenic cosmetics are all factors that influence the appearance of whiteheads.

However, in addition to the reasons, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of their appearance. White eel on the face - this is nothing like a closed time, in which accumulated subcutaneous fat, dead particles, sweat. Since the pore is closed, all these substances can not come out, and are clogged, representing a white or yellowish seal on the face of a small size.

Treatment of whiteheads on the face

For the treatment of whiteheads, it is better to go to the salon, where not only will cleanse your skin, but will also give recommendations on proper care and cosmetics.

Preventing the appearance of whiteheads - regular regular skin care. Do not forget to cleanse your skin every day, to cleanse pores, use products containing salicylic acid. After cleansing, use a tonic to remove any remaining contaminants and normalize the pH level of the skin.

Do not forget once a week to exfoliate the dead skin particles with a soft scrub. Do not give up moisturizers, even if you have oily skin. In order to thoroughly clean the pores, make a steam bath for the face about once a week.