Feeding of children on breastfeeding

Lure for breastfeeding is necessary at a certain stage in the life of the baby. If you successfully breastfeed and milk is produced in the amount necessary for feeding, then it is recommended to inject the lactation during the fifth month of the baby's life. If the child eats artificially, then the lure is prescribed for 4 months.

Also, there are a number of indicators by which you can determine the willingness of the baby to eat another type of food. The first signs, in addition to the baby's age, can be attempts to sit on their own without the help of their parents, confident head-keeping. If the child remains a little hungry after taking the main food, this may also indicate that you can try to enter the lure.

The introduction of complementary feeding with breastfeeding should be smooth and gradual, starting with the lowest doses. The main task is not to harm the child in any way. Food should be healthy and healthy, equipped with all necessary vitamins and trace elements, in order to support all that was laid in the body of the kid by nature.

All new dishes must be entered every three days, before one of the feedings, exclusively in the morning. After this, the child should be fed with the usual food for him - mother's milk, or a mixture, if you do not breastfeed.

Be sure to monitor the response of the baby's body. The reaction to new dishes can manifest as a rash on the skin, a change in the stool, and sometimes even a change in sleep. Therefore with innovations it is necessary to be extremely cautious. In case of occurrence of one of these symptoms, it is necessary to immediately stop feeding these products and try to try again a little later. In case of failure, you can replace products with analogs.

Introduction of complementary feeding with breastfeeding

With the lure, not only additional minerals and vitamins enter the baby's body, but also fiber, which is necessary for stimulating the motor activity of the intestine.

Lure is an intermediate stage of the transition of the baby from liquid food to hard. As the first complementary food of a child who is breastfed, it is recommended to use vegetable puree, preferably potato, carrot or squash. You need to introduce the lure gradually, and in small portions.

First lure with breastfeeding

For the first time, the baby should be given 1-2 g of puree before breastfeeding. If the tolerance of the product is good, and no violations and negative reactions are observed, the amount of complementary foods can be gradually increased by 1-2 teaspoons. In a week, you can try one breastfeeding substitute with vegetable mashed potatoes. Children with breastfeeding are usually replaced by second or third lactation.

Second lure with breastfeeding

When the child reaches 6 months of age, the second complement is introduced. As a second complementary food for children on breastfeeding is given porridge. It is recommended to use buckwheat, rice or corn porridge. Some nutritionists do not recommend using manna porridge as complementary food, because of the content of gluten in it, which is harmful to a child in large quantities. Porridges with gluten content (semolina, oatmeal and wheat) are not recommended to enter into the diet for up to a year.

Kashi can be used factory-made, they are balanced and supplied with all the nutrients necessary for baby food. On packages of baby food products, the age recommendations and the method of preparation are usually indicated.

The third lure for breastfeeding

The third lure should be entered on the 7th month of the baby's life. At this stage of life, the baby is given a broth with crumpled bread crumbs. Broth the child give in front of vegetable mashed potatoes in the amount of 2-3 teaspoons, eventually increasing the amount. After a few weeks, the child can be given a vegetable soup-puree, cooked on a meat broth.

By the end of the seventh month, the boiled meat of chicken and veal in the form of meat puree are added to the baby's diet. From 10 months, meat can be served in the form of meatballs, and after 11 months of meat you can cook steamed cutlets and meatballs. In addition to meat, fish can be added to the diet, preferably pike perch.

The third lure replaces another breastfeeding, as a result, only the morning and evening remain.

Since 10 months as a complementary food, a child still breastfed can be given bread, which is replaced with dried bread. Bread should not be rich, and without the content of various additives and flavors. In a day, the baby will have enough 5 grams of bread, in a few months the amount can be increased to 15 g. If feeding the baby to the baby is bad, it must be temporarily canceled.

When the child starts feeding the bread normally, you can sometimes give him a low-fat cookie with kefir.

When a child turns a year, he is usually weaned and transferred to regular meals, but there are cases when doctors recommend prolonging breastfeeding. And remember, you can not stop breastfeeding in the summer, and also during the illness of the child!

Be healthy!