Sushi diet

As humorists joke, in the Western world sushi is eaten more often than in Japan. This rule is quite natural and for our latitudes - the supply of sushi and Japanese restaurants is becoming more and more, and this is an obvious indicator that demand is growing on them. There is a natural question - can I eat sushi with a diet?

Can I sushi on a diet?

If you have a low-calorie diet with a strictly prescribed diet, then no products can be added to it. But if the diet is not prescribed, and you yourself are careful not to exceed the caloric value (usually a limit of 1000-1200 calories), then you can afford Japanese dishes for breakfast, lunch and dinner! The main thing is to choose a delivery or restaurant, in the menu of which the caloric content of all products is prescribed.

Can I lose weight on sushi?

Lose weight on sushi is quite simple, because it is a correct and balanced product that allows you to get all the necessary substances.

In order to lose weight, you just need to make a right menu. Sushi for weight loss can be any: for breakfast and lunch, you can choose high-calorie fish options, and for dinner it is better to manage a vegetable roll. Approximate ration for a day:

It is important to eat slowly, enjoying each piece and stretching pleasure for 10-15 minutes of meal. For any food intake it is allowed to add any kinds of salad leaves - rucola, watercress, etc. For breakfast and lunch, you can make a salad with dressing from lemon juice and a little oil.

Sushi diet is contraindicated for those who suffer from an ulcer, gastritis or allergy to components. Usually sushi is made with white rice, which means that the diet is contraindicated for those who suffer from hemorrhoids or a tendency to constipation.