Which products contain zinc?

Zinc is a natural microelement that participates in all biochemical reactions of the body. The influence of zinc on our health and health begins with the cellular level, which is why the consumption of foods high in zinc is extremely important during the embryonic growth period, and also in childhood, when the cells are actively dividing. To your attention we offer to familiarize with the main and most significant functions that perform zinc in our body, and continue this digestion with a list of sources of zinc in food.

Benefits and functions

First of all, zinc is responsible for the immune function. Zinc is involved in the synthesis and digestion of all proteins, carbohydrates and fats. More than 300 kinds of proteins use it as a companion material for the construction of complex amino acids. Thanks to zinc, T-lymphocytes are synthesized, as well as hormones - they are also proteins.

Zinc is involved in the synthesis of DNA, growth and cell division. The zinc content in the blood depends on the reproductive function, and zinc is especially important for adolescent boys, because it is during this period that the development of spermatozoa begins. With zinc deficiency, the synthesis of spermatozoa may not occur, or viable spermatozoa will not form.

If there is a shortage of zinc during pregnancy, there may be abnormalities in the development of the fetus, miscarriages and the birth of a dead child.

Zinc deficiency is characterized by hair loss, chicken blindness, distortion of taste and smell, slowed growth and healing of wounds, and lack of appetite.


Our body constantly contains 1-4 grams of zinc, most of it in bones and muscles. The daily requirement for zinc is from 12 to 50 mg, of course, it depends on age and sex. For example, during pregnancy and lactation, zinc intake should be increased, and dosage should be increased to men from 50 years to avoid frequent illness - prostate adenoma.

Zinc and alcohol

Often, the cause of zinc deficiency may not be its absence in our diet, but the availability of antagonist products, to which alcohol also applies. With constant consumption of alcohol, the content of zinc drops sharply. The reason is that zinc is actively involved in the utilization of alcohol, which means that all our reserves are spent on the withdrawal of alcohol. Also this relationship works in the opposite order - with a low content of zinc in the daily diet, adolescents become more prone to child alcoholism.

Products |

Now, for you, the most important thing is what products contain zinc.

Zinc is found both in vegetable products and in products of animal origin. The catch is that from plant foods, it is digested by only a third, which is extremely important to be aware of vegetarians.

Zinc is best absorbed in combination with calcium. So, we focus on milk, cream, cheese and cottage cheese. However, with all the favorableness of the combination, still nothing can surpass the content of zinc in products originating from the sea depths. The first thing to be called is oysters. Just one oyster a day, and you covered the need for zinc by 70%. Do not like oysters? Please choose mussels, shrimps, lobsters, squid, octopus and the like. And the simplest thing is to regularly consume marine fish.

If we talk about meat, it's beef, lamb, and especially beef liver. Zinc is also found in cereals - buckwheat, rice, wheat, oats, especially zinc bran and seeds (pumpkin, linseed, sunflower). You should also pay attention to beans - corn, peas, lentils, beans , cocoa, peanuts.

Zinc fungi and most vegetables are rich. Beer yeast can be added to your diet to maintain the zinc level.