Fetal bladder

As is known, during the intrauterine development of the future baby surrounded by fetal membranes. These include the amnion, the smooth chorion and part of the decidua (endometrium, which undergoes changes during pregnancy). All these shells, together with the placenta form a fetal bladder.

Many future moms think that the placenta and the bladder are one and the same. In fact, this is not so. The placenta is an independent formation that provides nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. It is through her that the fetus is connected with the mother's body.

What is a fetal bladder?

The development of these fetal membranes begins immediately after the implantation process . Thus, the amnion is a thin semitransparent membrane, which consists essentially of a connective and epithelial tissue.

A smooth chorion is located directly between the amnion and the decidua. It contains a large number of blood vessels.

The decidual membrane is located between the fetal egg and myometrium.

The main parameters of the fetal bladder are its density and size, which varies by the weeks of pregnancy. So, on the 30th day, the diameter of the fetal bladder is 1 mm and then increases by 1 mm per day.

What are the functions of a fetal bladder?

Having said about what the fetal bladder looks like, we will understand what its main functions are. The main of them are: