Gymnastics Slavic charmers

Gennady Adamovich and his book "Gymnastics Slavic charmers: standing water" has gained popularity among people who seek to know the history of their people, return to the roots, learn the wisdom of their ancestors. In the book are sounded attractive for the woman's heart of the idea that the girls are the embodiment of beauty, and most importantly - to reveal their charm, which in some cases blossomed, and in some - still slumbering. The network has long spread the video with gymnastics Slavic charmers in the performance of Maria Guseva, which is pleased to engage in many women.

Slavic women's gymnastics charynitz

About the beauty of Slavic women, hundreds of poets composed poems and songs, legends and legends. Evil tongues tied their beauty to the possession of black magic - so strong was it. Slavs from time immemorial were slender, stately, graceful, graceful, distinguished by endurance and strong health. And the gymnastics of the Slavic charmers teaches exactly those exercises that heal both body and spirit. Many of those who tried it, really noticed in themselves amazing changes - both external and internal.

The author of gymnastics, Gennady Adamovich, is a scientist who propagandizes the revival of the Slavic traditions and a return to the roots.

It is also interesting that gymnastics uses all the key muscle groups at once, which allows you to give a beautiful shape to your legs, buttocks, chest, arms, and waist. Restrictions on age the author does not put - in the classroom you can meet women at the age of 60-70 years. Surprisingly, even at their age, gymnastics fills them with energy and strength.

The name "Stagnant water" refers us to the Slavic symbol of the keeper of knowledge, because a woman in a traditional family performs the function of preserving knowledge, protecting her family. For men, such a complex does not fit - the Slavs for the stronger sex had other complexes.

Exercises: gymnastics Slavic charmers

The whole complex of gymnastics includes 27 exercises, from which you need to choose only 7 pieces in your complex. You need to execute them until you learn the complex by heart, and then for a change you can replace or add elements. All of them are divided into the upper world (standing exercises), the middle world and the lower world (exercises predominantly in the stalls).

At the first stage you need to perform 1-3 times instead of 10-15. If you have been doing sports before, doing it will be easy and not burdensome for you, but if you are not friendly with the sport, some can be a real challenge.

For example, we will analyze some exercises.

  1. The first exercise of the upper world is the ascent on the toes. Simple and easy, graceful lifting and returning.
  2. Another exercise from the upper world: standing, feet shoulder width apart. Smoothly lift one leg, bending it in the knee, connect the knees to each other, and put the supporting leg on your toe. Then go back to the starting position and repeat the exercise for the other leg.
  3. In the lower world, the first exercise is performed while kneeling. It is necessary to raise your hands gracefully upward, we put your hands in the lock of the palm of your hand behind your neck, pull your elbows forward and drop on them. From this position you will need to perform the remaining exercises .

As you can see, there is nothing too complicated in this, so you absolutely do not run the risk of encountering unbearable tasks. The main thing is to perform everything smoothly and measuredly, as the instructor shows.