Why do ears burn?

Sometimes the ears turn red, and this causes the feeling that they are burning. I wonder why this happens? There are several circumstances that can provoke such behavior of the ears. For convenience, all the explanations why the ears burn are divided into 2 groups: physiological causes and mystical, in other words, signs.

Why do ears burn? Physiology

Strictly speaking, from the point of view of physiology the answer to the question of why ears and cheeks burn, there can be only one - stress. But stress is a general concept, therefore it is worthwhile to list the most common reasons why ears start to burn:

  1. With mental strain, the ears begin to burn, as more blood flows into the brain for its correct operation, and the ears for the company fall.
  2. When a person is agitated, feels remorse, is ashamed of something, his ears start to turn red. Well, for some people a sense of shame, this is also stress, so the ears respond to it in this way.
  3. Ears can start to burn and because of an unexpected fright. If a person is scared, then a powerful adrenaline rush will occur, and the ears will start to turn red.
  4. The cause of redness of the ears may be and ordinary heat. Of course, in hot weather, the blood rushes directly to the entire skin to increase heat transfer, but in some people with blood flow characteristics, blood flows first (more) to the ears. So, there are such individualities in the heat with bright red ears.
  5. Another reason why ears may start to burn is some kind of irritation or infection. So, if your ears begin to glow, then remember, did they do anything recently with them that they might not like.
  6. Well, even if there are no visible reasons for reddening, the ears can still start to burn, the body is a complex and mysterious thing, perhaps it is experiencing some kind of stress that you do not even suspect.

Signs that explain why the ears burn

But if you think that not everything can be explained with the help of classical science, then one can turn to folk wisdom. By the way, signs can explain not only why the ears blush, but also give an answer to the question why the right or left ear burns. So, let's turn to folk wisdom.

  1. If both ears are burning, then someone is discussing you - so people's wisdom tells us. This is explained by the fact that at the subconscious level, a person perceives information flows that relate to him directly. And if the discussions are active, then the person responds, for example, with reddening of the ears. Of course, the degree of sensitivity is different for everyone, and someone does not react to it, and someone's ears begin to blaze.
  2. Why does the right ear burn? On this question, the omens are answered in the following way, if the right ear is burning, then one speaks well of the person or the truth. Although, for some reason, does not take into account the fact that the truth may not always be good. But popular superstitions do not take this moment into account, and they think that the reddened right ear does not warn about any troubles and there is nothing to worry about. By the way, there is a belief that if you guess who is discussing you, then the ear will stop burning.
  3. Why does the left ear burn? This also means that people are being talked about, but in this case they are not very good. Perhaps someone about you very badly responds, slanders. Usually, when the left ear burns, a person does not feel well, something may hurt or be uncomfortable. And again this is explained by the games of our subconscious. It allegedly catches bad conversations and warns us of a possible danger. After all, evil gossip by themselves are unpleasant, and the case can only end with words. So if the ears burn, the signs advise us not to give up on this matter, but to listen to the signals of our body.