Quit smoking - consequences for women

Getting rid of bad habits is not easy, especially if a woman quits smoking abruptly, because the consequences for her health can in this case not only be positive.

Quit smoking - consequences for women by months

So, if a girl has abruptly abandoned a bad habit, then she should be ready for such consequences:

  1. In the first month after the woman decided to quit smoking, the health consequences will be that her weight is likely to increase dramatically. Of course, there are happy exceptions to this rule, because some simply completely lose their appetite, and they not only do not get fat, but also lose weight. But, more often than not, the girl starts to seize the stress (because getting rid of bad habits is nothing but stress) and this leads to an increase in body weight. During the same period, the menstrual cycle may be disturbed, delays occur or, on the contrary, the monthly ones come earlier. It's all connected with the same stress that causes similar changes in the body. Another negative consequence is the occurrence of insomnia or severe drowsiness, decreased concentration, increased anxiety. The fault is the same stress factor.
  2. In the second month, weight can still continue to grow, but there is already a chance to stop this process if you start controlling your diet. Other negative manifestations at this point should already disappear, in the event that this did not happen, be sure to see a doctor, perhaps you need his help.

Briefly summarizing, it can be noted that if you quit smoking, the most terrible consequence that threatens you is stress. You can get rid of it, keep the period of craving for cigarettes much easier, so do not be lazy to turn to a specialist who can pick you a sedative, so the chances of success will only increase.