Chimera - mythology, what kind of creature is this?

The concept of the chimera mythology and the explanatory dictionary give different definitions. In a figurative sense, this is called unreasonable idea, fantasy, and in a straight line - a strange creature with the head of a lion and the body of a goat, mentioned in ancient Greek legends and various myths.

Chimera - what is this?

Chimera - a mythical creature, which became the product of two monsters. Her father was a giant Typhon, who possesses incredible power, and his mother is a dragon Echidna. The latter was portrayed in legends as a woman with a beautiful face and a snake body. She gave birth to many children one more terrible than the other - the ancient Greek mutants. She also gave birth to a chimera, whose name can literally be translated as a "young goat". Today, this word is sometimes described by any fantastic creature-hybrid, combining in its appearance the features of several animals.

What does the chimera look like?

The daughter of Echidna had her own inexpressible appearance. Depending on the time epoch, the culture and the work describing it, the image could change in one direction or another, although the common features remained unchanged.

  1. For the first time, the monster of the chimera is mentioned in the Homer's Iliad as a creature with a lion's head, a goat's body and a tail with a snake's head at its ends.
  2. In another treatise - "Theogony" Hesiod - the monster appears already three-headed. All animals cast a flame.
  3. Apollo has the strangest description: a goat's head grows from the middle of the body of the creature, but also breathes fire.
  4. In some descriptions, the monster has wings and an impenetrable dense skin.

Chimera and gargoyle - the difference

In the Middle Ages, gargoyles and chimeras were identified, but the former apparently have nothing to do with the ancient Greek prototype. This fantastic evil spirits appeared in different hypostases: devils, dragons, lions, cocks, monkeys and other living beings, mixed with each other. Sculptural gargoyles adorned the walls of buildings and were designed to drain water from the roof. It poured out of their open jaws. Unlike the gargoyles, their chimera followers did not perform any functions and served merely as decoration. There were legends that the stone statues could come alive and terrify people.

Bellerophon and Chimera

Chimera in mythology appeared evil and dangerous. Settled in the Lycian mountains, she raided villages, dealt with livestock and people. But in the legends of each monster is his hero. The chimera was no exception: the creature was able to be defeated by the brave youth Bellerophon, who was not loved by the gods and sent by the king of Lycia to fight the beast. Saddled winged Pegasus, Bellerophon managed to defeat the chimera with the help of a spear that pierced her mouth. The beast tried to hit him with fire, but the lead spearhead melted and destroyed the monster.

Legends of the Chimera

On the life and death of the daughter of Echidna laid down a legend in which she appears as a symbol of evil forces. In later literary sources, the mythical chimera and its image acquire other properties. According to one of the legends, the three-headed creature is the guardian of equilibrium, good and evil in the world, the unity of opposites. Wisdom and justice are personified by a lion, and lies and malice are a serpent. Two non-comparable images are counterbalanced by a goat, she is their wet-nurse. The lion and the snake can not be destroyed, because they can not live without each other.

Modern historians try to compare the myths about the monster with the realities of that time. Where did this frightening image come from? There are two versions:

Modern psychology speaks of a chimera as a struggle between light and dark forces within a person. Subconsciously, they struggle with each other, but can not exist apart. In different areas besides psychology - in literature and architecture this concept is characterized as a single whole, assembled from incompatible parts, therefore hostile to all living things.