Character by Blood Type

To guess how a child will be born, knowing only his blood group. Today this opportunity does not surprise anyone. Thanks to the long work of scientists, this way of determining temperament is one of the most common. The blood group does affect the character. But what is the peculiarity of each of the four types? This is what we decided to find out.

Character of a person by blood type

In Western countries, the definition of character by blood - a common phenomenon and as popular as, for example, horoscopes. Particular attention is paid to studying how the blood group affects various aspects of human life in Japan. There, involvement in one of the four groups could affect the outcome of job interviews in some companies, the decision of basketball coaches is whether to take the athlete to the team, etc. Today, the discussion of the blood group in the same Japan is the usual and habitual part of the conversation.

As for other countries, such close attention to this topic is not observed. Today, not everyone knows what the effect of the blood group on the character is. In this case, the description of the individual, depending on the characteristics of the red liquid, is very curious. So, if you decide to determine what your character is by blood, the following information is for you:

  1. 1 blood type (type 0). The nature of people who belong to it is difficult to describe. This is power, and self-confidence and vanity and jealousy. By their nature, such people are hunters. They are committed to their goal and believe in themselves, infecting others with optimism. They are born leaders and completely unpredictable personalities. Most often they are found among long-livers. They are also less affected by various disorders of the nervous system.
  2. 2 blood type (type A). This character can be described as calm and responsible. In places such people are too cautious and prudent. But, at the same time, they can be described as highly organized, harmonious, compulsory and accurate. Their modesty is very convenient in the family issue, because they will never make scandals and perfectly know how to provide a warm and comfortable life. However, such restraint can often lead to overeating, problems with alcohol and depression.
  3. 3 blood type (type B). This character is not ordinary and creative. They perfectly find their favorite thing in their lives and serve it faithfully. However, it is difficult to name the sociable owners of this group. They are withdrawn and laconic. Behind external tranquility and equanimity lies the true emotional intensity of passions, which are not always understood by everyone.
  4. Blood group number 4 (type AB). The nature of the owners of the rarest group can be described as soft and tactful. These people will always remain a mystery to others, while being the soul of the company. They can hide their plans and present various kinds of surprises. But at the same time they have excellent internal diplomacy, which allows you to get along practically with everyone around. The only thing that is given to them with difficulty is decision making.

The character that is determined by the blood group can not be called the ultimate truth. The properties of red matter only impose an imprint on the basic characteristics of the personality. This means that having data on the person's belonging to a particular group, one can only guess about his nature and the properties of his character. However, do not forget about such important and shaping its nuances as education and the social environment in which a person grew up.