Why does not a man want sex?

Men are more likely than women to be dependent on the intimate sphere of relations, so to hear the rejection of sex on the part of the fair sex, the phenomenon is not so outlandish. Another thing is when the rejection of intima comes from a guy. Why men do not want sex - that's the question, the answer to which you will find in this article.

The main reasons for the refusal of men from sex with their partner psychologists include the following situations:

  1. The disappearance of the passions. Everyone knows that in love there are both recessions and ups. Therefore, when the relationship comes a period of calm, you need to invent more and more ways to conquer and seduce your man to rekindle the flame of passion.
  2. Quarrel with your beloved. Conflicts, especially often recurring, bring discord not only to the relationship between the two sexes, but also harm the intimate life. Guys only appear to be "thick-skinned" from the outside, although in reality the quarrel can hurt them, just like any girl.
  3. Nerves. Psychological overload, eternal nervous tension on the robot and misunderstanding from the beloved in the home, can for a long time serve a man's desire to have sex.
  4. Biological rhythms. Scientists have proved that a man has a peak of sexual activity in the morning, and a woman at a late evening time. That is why flirting with a partner in the evening can not yield any results, since the incompatibility of natural human biorhythms played its role here.
  5. Health problems. Here we have in mind not impotence or other diseases of this type, as many have already thought. Doctors say that after 25-27 years, the man's health begins to affect his way of life, bad habits, etc. Refusal of sex can be due to even banal overeating or prolonged absence of physical exertion.
  6. Temperament. It may be that your man does not agree with you on the type of temperament, in connection with which he needs sex much less than you wanted. There is no point in rewarding each other with mutual reproaches, as the only way out of this situation is to discuss the problem and find a compromise that will suit both sides.

So, we have considered the reasons why men can refuse from intimate life, now it is not superfluous to consider the reasons why most men simply can not imagine their lives without sexual relations.

Why do men always want sex?

There is an opinion that through sex a man gets up to 80% of vital energy for his accomplishments, achievements and successes. As is known, sexual satisfaction and satisfaction of physiological needs-such as hunger, are the fundamental aspects of human existence. A man, given his relatively high hormonal background, needs it like no other. Women, as a rule, forget what their natural features are and begin to demand from their favorite exploits and discoveries without elementary satisfaction of their needs.

Why do men always want sex?

From a biological point of view, however rude it may sound, a man is created for the continuation of the genus. Earlier in the primitive society, the average life expectancy of the stronger sex was 18-25 years, they sought to leave as many as possible offspring in order to enable humanity to continue to exist and develop. Although primitive times have long been in the past the instinctive bases of behavior are embedded in us at the level of DNA, and it is impossible to eradicate them or change them at our discretion. Of course, this does not justify the "windy" behavior of some men in our time, but explains why for a man sex plays such a big role in life.