Means of emergency contraception

Even if you are the most sensible woman in the world, you will hardly be able to anticipate and prevent all the tricks of fate. Especially it concerns the genital area - the condom has torn (or your partner does not want to use it so as not to spoil the sensations), or your contraceptives (caps, spermicides, etc.) treacherously failed. What can we say about cases when it comes to violence ...

Emergency contraception means those drugs that can help prevent pregnancy after an unprotected sexual intercourse for up to five days.

Methods of emergency contraception can be hormonal (oral contraceptives) and mechanical (spiral). All this, to put it mildly, is not very useful.

Hormonal remedies

The means of oral contraception "unfold" during the monthly period, block ovulation, cause active contractions of the uterus, rejection of the endometrium, in a word, there is an acute hormonal failure.

Among the types of emergency oral contraception the most popular drug is mifepristone. It suppresses the effect of female sex hormones and helps reduce the uterus. Also use combined oral preparations - with progesterone and estrogen, or progesterone in its pure form.

Not hormonal agents

Emergency non-hormonal contraception is the installation of a spiral with copper, which causes irritation of the uterus due to the presence of an alien body, resulting in the uterus contracting, and the egg can not be implanted into the wall of the uterus. However, in order to establish a spiral, a gynecologist, testing and, in general, compatibility of the pelvic organs with such methods of contraception are needed. Spiral is not the most frequent way in emergency situations.

The harm of emergency methods of protection

If after ovulation has passed more than seven days - there is no sense to apply emergency measures, since the chance of getting pregnant is almost equal to zero. Why does not it make sense? If emergency contraceptive measures were so harmless, no one would have thought about security in advance.

Regular, or negligent and one-time, taking one of the means of emergency termination of pregnancy in the early stages, can lead to the cessation of ovulation (anovulation), infertility, diabetes, obesity , hypertension.

And as for the "soft" consequences, not so fatal, it is: vomiting, bleeding from the genital tract, cutting pains in the lower abdomen, dizziness.

Before taking any, even the most harmless means of emergency contraception, you should consult a doctor exactly in emergency mode.