Moss sphagnum

Moss sphagnum belongs to a family of white peat mosses. In total there are about 320 species of this plant in the world, which has great ecological and economic importance.

Moss sphagnum: description

Moss sphagnum has practically no root system - they quickly turn underground into peat, while the terrestrial part continues to grow. Outwardly, it is a straight stem, 15-20 cm tall, with bundle-shaped branches and small single-layer leaves of light green color.

Moss sphagnum: where does it grow?

Moss sphagnum grows mainly in marshes with extensive dense accumulations, which subsequently form peat cushions. In the northern hemisphere it is found mainly in the tundra, in the southern hemisphere it is high in the mountains, it is much less common in the plain moist forests of the middle belt.

Sphagnum moss: application in floriculture

This type of moss is actively used in the cultivation of flowers, because of its useful properties for them, it is close to the sand. Moss makes the earth light, hygroscopic and more friable, significantly improves its quality. It also intensively absorbs water, evenly moistens the soil and retains moisture for a long time, and the sphagnum contained in the moss prevents the rotting of the roots under these conditions and has antibacterial properties. Sphagnum moss can be used both in natural and in dried form, since even after shrinkage and long-term storage, it still retains its useful properties.

How to use moss sphagnum?

What plant to use for indoor flowers - fresh or dry, depends on the type of sphagnum. It is mainly used for germination of seeds and rooting of shoots, and also add to the earth mix as a more useful and natural alternative to artificial substrates. Also it can be used for propagation of flowering plants, using it instead of an earthen mixture in its pure form - chopped or finely ground. The plant's wound will be tightened faster by wrapping it with moss. When propagating through the use of air broods, it is also recommended to apply sphagnum to incisions that remain on the trunk after division.

Sphagnum moss: application for indoor plants as an earthen component

Sphagnum moss is often mixed into earth mixtures in order to improve their quality, make them more nutritious, friable and moist.

Here are a few examples of the use of sphagnum moss for the cultivation of orchids .

Substrate for orchids without a greenhouse:

Sphagnum for orchids

Fresh sphagnum chopped, scalded with boiling water, squeezed, poured mortar mixture of mineral fertilizer Kemira Lux, put in a plastic bag, tightly tie it and keep it for several days. In freshly prepared sphagnum, the plant should be transplanted every 2 months until the roots reach about 7 cm. After that, they are transplanted into the substrate in a permanent place.

Substrate for orchids:

Well suited for laying under the rhizomes, but not to cover them from above.

Also moss sphagnum in floriculture is used in other qualities:

  1. Like drainage .
  2. Like a mat-mat.
  3. For sheltering the soil.
  4. To wrap the roots.
  5. For storage in winter bulbs and tubers.
  6. To humidify the air.
  7. To protect against fungal diseases of plants.
  8. For the manufacture of supports for plants with air roots.
  9. For the manufacture of a variety of hanging baskets.