Felted cherry - planting and care

Homeland cherry cherry is China. From there it spread all over the world. Gardeners love cherry for unpretentiousness, abundant yield and beauty of flowering. Of course, this cherry has its drawbacks, but sometimes the advantages cover any shortcomings. Let's get more acquainted with the felt cherry, to understand if this is so in her case.

Felt cherry varieties

Varieties of this cherry can be divided into three conditional groups: early maturation, middle and late.

Early varieties:

  1. Fairy tale. Sour-sweet fruits of maroon color. The harvest from one bush is about ten kilograms.
  2. Natalie. Fruits are dark red, taste sweet and sour. The harvest from the bush is seven kilograms.
  3. Children's. The fruits of this sort of felt cherry have a bright red color and sweet and sour taste. One bush gives a rather large amount of harvest - fifteen kilograms.
  4. Yielding. Dark pink berries sweet and sour taste. The harvest is twelve kilograms from the bush.

Medium grades:

  1. White. The fruits of this sort of cherry have a matte-white color and the same white flesh. The taste of the berries is sweet and sour. The harvest from the bush is ten kilograms.
  2. Anniversary. This variety is distinguished by dark red juicy fruits. The yield of one bush is eight kilograms.
  3. The dark-brown is eastern. Fruits maroon, I tender flesh sweet and sour taste. Productivity is seven kilograms from one bush.

Late grades:

The Oceanian Virovskaya. This cherry cherry cultivar has dark maroon fruits that have an sour-sweet taste. From one bush you can get a harvest of nine kilograms.

Planting and caring for a felt cherry

We sorted out the varieties, so now let's go directly to the question of how to plant a felt cherry. A felt cherry has one drawback - self-fertility. That is, if another cherry does not bloom near the felt cherry, then you will not see the harvest. This fact must be taken into account when planting cherries, as well as when the question "Why does not cherry cherry?". So, plant a felt cherry in a sunny place, so that water does not stagnate there. The landing pit must be filled with a mixture of manure, lime, potassium and phosphorus. The earth around your seedlings is preferably peeled with peat to regulate humidity.

With the questions of growing a felt cherry, we figured out, and now we'll proceed to what care a cherry cherry needs. In spring, when the cherry is already flowering, it needs to be fertilized with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Also, the plant is also fed in autumn, but this time nitrogen must be excluded. Watering a felt cherry should be moderate, it does not like an excess of moisture. Pruning cherry cherry should be carried out every year around the beginning of spring, cutting off lateral branches from the second year about a third of their length.

Felted cherry - reproduction

The main way of propagation of a felt cherry is seeding seeds - bones. For planting, the bones are washed, dried and stored in sand until October. Planted in the soil in October, the bones yield shoots in the spring, which by autumn reach half a meter in height. Also effective is the reproduction of felt cherries by cuttings.

Diseases of a felt cherry

Felted cherry is not terrible coccomicosis, to which many kinds of cherries are susceptible. But a felt cherry quite often can affect moniliasis. As they say, nothing happens without shortcomings.

Care for a felt cherry is simple enough and if you follow all the rules of care, you will receive a plentiful and delicious harvest that will please you and your loved ones.