Why does not the amaryllis blossom?

Amaryllis is a perennial bulbous plant native to Africa, successfully cultivated and propagated at home. The decorative part of this heat-loving plant is the inflorescence of large bright flowers. On a powerful, well-formed bulb, 1-2 arrows are formed, on each of which bloom from 2 to 6 fragrant flowers.

Care for amaryllis at home is relatively simple, the flower is unpretentious. But often inexperienced growers ask the question: why amaryllis does not bloom? Careful implementation of several simple rules for the care of plants will allow you to observe the exquisite flowering of the amaryllis annually, and sometimes even twice a year.

How to properly care for Amaryllis?

There are some simple rules:

  1. The first important requirements must be met long before the possible emergence of a floral arrow - the correct bulb landing largely determines the health and strength of the plant. Peeled from dry outer flakes, a healthy planting material is planted in a pot 15-20 cm in diameter, leaving about half (at least a third) of the bulb above the ground. It is desirable to use heavy ceramic pots without enamel with good drainage. To quickly obtain abundant flowering before planting, it is advisable to remove the children from the main bulb.
  2. Amaryllis is a warm and light-loving plant, therefore careful observance of the lighting and heating mode is extremely important for obtaining a sufficiently powerful flower-bearing arrow. The optimum temperature regime during the vegetative period of the plant is within the range of 18-25 degrees, during the rest period - at least 10 degrees of heat. Lighting should be bright, but scattered, so the best place to keep the amaryllis is the south-west and south-east windows.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the correct watering of the plant, taking into account the different requirements for moisture in different periods of its development. After flowering during the rest period, the amaryllis almost does not need watering. At the beginning of the vegetation period (late February - early March), the plant requires extremely moderate watering with warm water, more likely even a light sprinkling of the soil. Otherwise, there will be an active growth of only leaves without the development of peduncles.

The regime of abundant watering (but without pouring onions) and feeding should be maintained as much as amaryllis blooms. After flowering, you must return to the meager nutrition of the plant.

Amaryllis bloom and care during this period

To regularly receive flowers amaryllis, care of the plant must meet its natural natural needs: wild amaryllis grows in arid regions with rare periods of heavy rains.

Often, in inexperienced flower growers, the amaryllis does not release a flower arrow for several years, despite the constant and careful care. How to make the amaryllis bloom in this case? First of all, the plant needs to ensure the correct period of rest without irrigation in a cool place. Alternation of active irrigation and top dressing with "rest" allows you to bloom a fairly large bulb (5-7 cm), even twice a year. But it should be remembered that frequent and too abundant (more than two flower shooters) flowering rapidly depletes the bulb.

If the amaryllis does not bloom, the reasons are clearly hidden in the wrong care of the plant. If you meet all the requirements, the amaryllis will please you with the first flowers 3 years after planting the daughter bulbs (when multiplying by seeds much longer, in 6-7 years).