Why dream about cutting hair on the head?

According to the state of human hair, one can judge what his health is. Brilliant strong hair is a person's worth and speaks about his youth and well-being. Hair in a dream also speaks of a person's condition, but in this case it is a question of inner self-perception. Beautiful healthy hair in a dream is a reflection of inner strength, energy, activity. The better the condition of the hair in a dream, the more positive events await a person.

If we start from this value, we can understand what the haircut on the head is dreaming about. To cut hair can mean loss of vitality and control over events. But at the same time, if a person cuts himself on his own, this can mean that he is the master of his life and can control the situation. However, not everything is so unambiguous, so consider this issue in more detail.

What does it mean to cut hair in a dream?

In dream books, hair cutting in a dream has such interpretations:

Haircut hair tips, bangs, a small haircut can talk about the desire to slightly change their lives. And, on the contrary: a thorough cutting of hair can speak about discontent with its life and state.

  1. For men, a haircut at zero can mean serious loss and trouble, for women - the shame and loss of important people.
  2. Self-hairstyle, in which a person feels unpleasant emotions , may be a sign that the person has overcharged too much and is waiting for hard times.
  3. When interpreting the dream of hair cutting, attention should be paid to the fact that the hairstyle after the haircut changes for the better or worse. A beautiful hairstyle says that a person is waiting for pleasant changes in life, the appearance of new acquaintances, an increase at work. If the hairstyle has changed the appearance of a person to the worst, one should beware of troubles and disappointments.
  4. Doing a haircut in a dream can mean trouble in the form of loss of status or a wrong act that leads to negative consequences.
  5. If a person is cutting a hairdresser, then wait for good changes. If a stranger works on the hairdo, you should be afraid of betrayal and troubles, as well as losses.
  6. Extraordinarily luxurious hair after a haircut speaks of the desire to be the center of attention. Such a dream can be a harbinger of good unexpected news.
  7. Short hair cuts can promise an unpleasant change of image and strong pressure of surrounding people or events.