Temperature in early pregnancy

It is generally believed that an increase in temperature, even insignificant, necessarily indicates any malfunction in the work of the body or the onset of the disease. However, do not forget that pregnancy is a very special condition. The woman's organism can react differently to the birth of a new life within him. An embryo for him is an alien body, uncharacteristic of everyday life. Therefore, the reaction may not be quite normal. Often there is a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius at small gestation - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 weeks.

What does the temperature mean in the early stages of pregnancy?

The rise in temperature, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, can be considered a normal condition in the following cases:

We figured out what temperature in pregnant women is normal and under what conditions the temperature at the beginning of pregnancy can slightly increase. Consider now the options for inadequate temperature increase and find out what it can threaten you and your baby.

Causes and consequences of abnormal temperature increase during pregnancy

One of the reasons may be ectopic localization of the fetal egg. This is a very dangerous condition, requiring immediate contact with a doctor and taking decisive action.

Another cause of a slight increase in temperature to the level of 37.0-37.8 ° C may be a slow inflammatory process in the body. Colds and fever during pregnancy require treatment, appointed by the doctor after the delivery of tests and diagnosis.

Especially dangerous if the temperature accompanies such diseases as pyelonephritis, herpes, tuberculosis, cytomegalovirus and other fetal dangerous diseases. Any of these diseases, which have arisen and are severe in the early stages of pregnancy, often lead to spontaneous miscarriage or stopping the development of the fetal egg. If the infection affects the fetus during the development of important body systems, this is almost guaranteed to lead to congenital pathology. Such pregnant women are shown special control during the entire pregnancy. In especially severe cases, doctors recommend aborting the pregnancy.

Less dangerous are infections that occur after 12-14 weeks of pregnancy, when the placenta is already fully formed. The increase in temperature and the factors associated with it are no longer so dangerous for the baby. However, after the 30th week, high temperatures again pose a threat. Temperature above 38 degrees Celsius can lead to premature placental abruption and premature birth. In addition, the placenta at this period of pregnancy is already somewhat worn out and is not able to protect the baby qualitatively.

To avoid unpleasant moments associated with the increase in temperature, it is necessary to take preventive measures - to eat properly, to take vitamins additionally, to avoid crowded places, to dress in the weather.