Why is guinea pig a mumps?

In the XVI, the first guinea pigs were brought to Europe. Very quickly they became popular, and began to get divorced as pets. For a long time guinea pigs were very expensive, and only rich people could buy this animal. Over time, several species of guinea pigs of different sizes, color, and also differed in the length of the wool were introduced. Despite the fact that today no one surprises this animal, for many it remains a mystery why the guinea pigs are so called, where the birth guinea pigs, for which people have tamed these animals, and why the guinea pig is mumps, and even the sea pig? The answer to these questions can be found in the history of the conquest of America by the Spanish navigators, as well as in the history of ancient Indian tribes.

The breeding of guinea pigs began as early as 7 thousand BC. on the territory of Central and South America. And these rodents were called aperea or kui. In nature, reproduction of guinea pigs takes place all year round, pregnancy lasts slightly more than 2 months and after 13-14 hours after delivery the pig is again ready for reproduction. Because of this, Indians raised guinea pigs as farm animals, which were the main source of meat, as well as animals used for sacrifice and other rituals. And in our time, the inhabitants of some countries consume the guinea pigs, and the Peruvians for this purpose have brought out the largest breed of guinea pigs, which reach 2.5 kg.

Information about guinea pigs is found in the records of the Spaniards who landed on the shores of South America. When they saw these animals for the first time, they were reminded of milk pigs. This is one of the versions why the guinea pig is a pig. In addition, the pig was bred for food, as well as in Europe of conventional pigs. There are several more reasons why the guinea pig is a mumps. Firstly, when the animal experiences anxiety, or vice versa, is satisfied, it produces sounds similar to squealing or pohryukivanie. And secondly, the lower parts of the limbs of the pigs resemble a hoof in shape. Definitely, these guinea pigs were called spaniards by the Spaniards, who brought them to Europe, as this name spread in all countries. But the sea they are called only in Germany and Russia. It is believed that they were originally called overseas, as they were delivered to these countries by sea. Over time, the name was simplified, and they were called marine.

The popularity enjoyed by guinea pigs to this day can be explained by several factors. Regardless of gender, guinea pigs are clean enough, unpretentious in care, can live alone and in groups. The behavior of guinea pigs deserves special attention - they are friendly, affectionate, sociable, and deprived of aggression. Cases when the guinea pig bites are very rare. Most often they flee, or try to hide. In some cases, when males defend their superiority, they can bite their rival, but in this case the bite will be more indicative and not dangerous for the opponent. If several animals are planned, it is important to know how to determine the sex of guinea pig. The sex of the young guinea pig is determined from the distance between the sexual and anal openings. In males, this is distance is greater than that of females. Best in one territory coexist female. But keeping a couple can be problematic, as they will multiply year-round. Pregnancy and childbirth for guinea pigs are debilitating and can lead to the exhaustion of the body and the death of the animal, if not to make long breaks for recovery. Also, during pregnancy, the guinea pig needs to be well fed, so that intoxication, which is just as dangerous to life, does not begin. Another basic rule for keeping these animals is to keep the room at an average temperature - the guinea pigs can not withstand prolonged hypothermia or overheating. And in general, care of the mumps is simple, and if you follow simple recommendations, the pet will be happy for many years for its owners.