Why is sea kale useful for the human body?

Sea kale, or, as it is also called, kelp, has been consumed for several centuries. This product has a lot of advantages, among which is that it is low-calorie, and in order to understand what else is useful for sea ​​kale for the human body, let's consider what substances it contains.

Useful properties of sea kale

Different types of algae data will always differ slightly in their biochemical composition, because they grow in different seas. But, kelp will always contain alginates, substances capable of removing toxins, including particles of heavy metals. That is why salad from algae is recommended to those who work in harmful production or live in megacities, where the air is very dirty.

Laminaria also contains a large amount of iodine, which is necessary for normal functioning of the thyroid gland and immune system. Well, the presence of vitamins A , C, D, E, amino acids and polysaccharides in algae contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes, lowering of cholesterol level and, of course, normalization of water-salt balance, which is often violated in girls, especially before the onset of menstruation. Beneficial effect on the digestive system of plant fibers, which are found in kelp in large quantities, that's what sea kale for women is useful for.

In what form is sea kale useful?

On store shelves you can often meet not fresh kelp, but canned, whether such sea kale is useful, many of us do not know. But, experts say that there is such a salad without any fear. It will contain the full range of nutrients mentioned above, however, the amount of vitamins will decrease slightly. Preserved laminaria is advised to eat 1-2 times a week, while the portion should be about 50-70 g for an adult.