Why not give a watch to a man?

Choosing a gift for a man in many people causes confusion. Women can donate earrings, rings, bracelets, etc., and the men from the accessories, which he always wears on him, fit only the watch . But for some reason it is often said that it is impossible to give men a watch; superstitions and omens prophesy of separation from the beloved and misfortune.

The history of the ban on watches as a gift began two hundred years ago, almost immediately, as soon as the first copies of these mechanisms appeared. Unaware people were afraid of hours, tk. They did not understand their devices, and it was foreign to them that it was possible to measure the non-material, that is, time. And everything that people do not understand, causes fear in their subconscious, so various accidents began to be associated with the clock.

The Chinese character for evil and death is very similar to the dial of a watch. Therefore, even in ancient times, the Chinese people believed that the clock gave people an evil spirit and the clockwork creates misfortune. Until now, the Chinese are very wary of the hand watches and never give them to each other with the wish of good. The Chinese people have a custom to put the clock to the enemy with the wishes of misfortunes and drawing on the failure.

Believers in signs claim that having given a watch to a man, a girl must part with her chosen one and be unhappy. It is believed that the stability in the relationship of the couple in love will only be until the arrows stop, but the mechanism should break down - the connection between the hearts of people immediately collapses.

Is it possible to give a watch to a man?

Currently, watches often play the role of expensive jewelry, for example, in Switzerland, the wrist watch mechanism can be used to judge the financial well-being of the owner.

Despite all the negative signs, few will refuse men from expensive watches as a gift. To at least somehow smooth out the magical the effect of the omens that the watch can not be given, in due course appeared another belief. It says that you can give a man a watch if he gives a small amount in return.

Focusing on these two signs, everyone chooses whether to give a man as a presentation of the clock or not. If a girl or woman is in love with a stronger sex, then she certainly will find an alternative to a gift and will not give a watch, but prefer a tie or season ticket to the gym.

Despite all the beliefs, the statistics say that the number of quarrels is approximately the same in couples where the clock was given to a man and in families without such a gift.