Plate for weight loss

Among the "smart" gadgets on a special place are devices designed for weight loss. A man who has an iron will and a steel character can well do without these costly inventions. However, for those who can not boast of such features, an "intelligent" dish for weight loss is simply necessary.

"Smart" portioning plate for weight loss

The main reason for recruiting excess weight is the lack of skill to eat properly. A measuring plate for weight loss is an electronic invention of European scientists, created to control what and how a person eats.

"Smart" dish for weight loss determines the size of the portion, calculates the calorie content of the dishes. Especially advanced gadgets determine the caloric content in the most accurate way - with the help of test strips.

Most full people tend to eat food very quickly, without enjoying the taste of food and almost without feeling the amount eaten. Such people overeat because of the delay in the signal about satiety. Therefore, slimming dishes can control the absorption rate of food, giving the signal, if necessary, is slower.

Plate-dispenser for weight loss from an ordinary dish

Of course, not everyone can buy an "intelligent" dish for weight loss. However, there is a way to make ordinary utensils an assistant in the process of losing weight. First you need to buy a plate of necessary volume - shallow, 20 cm in diameter. The color of the dish for weight loss is very important. Reduces the appetite dishes blue and blue, pastel shades, increases - red, this rule should also be taken into account.

Putting food on a plate-doser for weight loss, you should adhere to such proportions: half of its surface should take non-starchy vegetables, a quarter - products of protein origin, the remaining quarter - foods rich in complex carbohydrates. Eating this way 5-6 times a day, you can very quickly see the positive results on the scale.