Types of social conflicts

A person lives, every day, with every opportunity, strives to realize his desires, goals, first of all, interacting with other people. In interpersonal interaction, there are often misunderstandings, conflicts, which can be accompanied by discomfort, tension, alienation, and therefore the types of social conflicts are many. Interpersonal relations are nothing else than a field of constant conflict or the reconciliation of interests. Sometimes they go into a lengthy war in a relationship that sometimes has a crimson character, which means that conflicts, causes and types of their resolution will differ from each other.

Consider the main types of conflicts that are classified according to the subjects that counteract each other:

  1. Personal conflict is a conflict that occurs within a particular person at the level of her consciousness. This kind of conflict refers to a purely psychological, but is caused by external factors and can become a catalyst for the emergence of a group conflict, group tension.
  2. Interpersonal - classification of conflict types also includes conflict, which is a disagreement between two or more members of one particular group or several groups.
  3. Intergroup - the conflict between people, individuals that form a group, another group. This kind of conflict is the most common, because individuals who are going to work on others tend to find supporters with the goal of forming a group of like-minded people.
  4. Conflict of belonging. Types of conflict in psychology occupy a weighty place, and this species is one of the main. Resistance occurs due to the dual belonging of each individual. That is, when individuals create a group within another, large, or when a single individual simultaneously consists of two competitive groups pursuing a single goal.
  5. Conflict with the external environment. It is created when individuals that make up the group experience external pressure (from economic, cultural, administrative regulations, norms). Often, they enter into conflicts in those institutions that support these prescriptions, norms.

Types and types of conflicts also include conflicts of a mixed type. To it it is possible to carry the conflict between the separate person and group of people. This disagreement arises when the hotel personality takes a position that is different from the overall position of the whole group.

Let us turn to a more detailed examination of what types of interpersonal conflicts are:

  1. By orientation (ideological or public, professional or household).
  2. On motives (real or illusory, positively directed, negatively directed).
  3. On the consequences (positive or negative).
  4. According to the views of the conflicting parties (intra-role or inter-role).
  5. On emotional influence, the force of influence on the conflicting (strong and weak).
  6. Scale of impact (wide or local).
  7. By duration (short, repetitive, one-time, jammed).
  8. According to the form of manifestation (external, internal, organized or unorganized).
  9. By sources of origin (subjective or objective).

The causes, like the types of interpersonal conflicts, are classified on several grounds:

  1. Associated with the characteristics of interpersonal relationships.
  2. Associated with the content of interpersonal interaction.
  3. Associated with the personal characteristics of the parties to the conflict.

Since the species differ from each other, there are also different ways of resolving conflicts:

  1. Care.
  2. Adaptation.
  3. Cooperation.
  4. Compromise.

Do not forget that any conflict situation has its pluses and minuses and, in order to prevent the deplorable consequences for both conflicting parties, it is necessary to have time to stop the dispute or the origin of the disagreement.