Witness at the wedding

One of the most important persons at the wedding, after the bride and groom, is a witness. And although at first glance the works of the witness may seem inconspicuous, nevertheless, without her active participation, the holiday can be hopelessly corrupted by the seemingly trivial trifle. How to choose a witness for a wedding among the numerous girlfriends who are eager to occupy this place of honor? What does the witness at the wedding need to do to make the holiday a truly memorable and solemn event for the bride? What is the role of the witness in the ransom at the wedding? Let's try in order to understand these issues.

Choosing a Witness

As a rule, the choice falls on the bride's closest girlfriend. On the one hand, this choice is justified, because to share all the trembling moments of pre-wedding fuss is better with the person who completely trusts and in whose society you feel comfortable and calm. But on the other hand, not always the best friends have exactly the qualities that a witness needs to solve all organizational issues. The witness must be responsible, punctual, patient with all the whims of the bride. In addition, the witness must monitor the mood of the guests, if necessary, take over part of the entertainment program. Therefore, if there is no one among friends who could easily be entrusted with this role, it is better to choose a witness among good acquaintances, although it will be necessary to correctly explain your choice to your friends. In some countries, it is customary to single out the bridesmaids separately. This tradition can be used if the bride finds it difficult to choose a witness, in which case the girlfriends will not be offended and the most suitable candidate will be selected for the role of witness.

In addition to ethical and practical considerations, very often the witness plays an important role in the wedding. According to popular beliefs it is best to choose a young unmarried girl. A married witness at a wedding by signs is not a very good sign, but these days this option is often enough. But a widow or a divorced witness at a wedding by signs is considered a bad sign, so even non-faithful brides try to avoid this choice. If the witness at the wedding is married to a witness, then it is believed that soon their marriage will disintegrate. Similarly, according to popular beliefs it is not very good if the sister is a witness at the wedding, although on the other hand there is nothing wrong with such a choice. The age of the witness at the wedding on the primitives also plays a role, although the customs of different peoples differ, it is more often recommended that the witness is younger than the bride.

Having chosen a witness, you need to make sure that she is ready for the next troubles. And in order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to specify in advance what part of the pre-wedding preparation it will take.

Organization of a hen party

As a rule, the organization of this part of the holiday is the responsibility of the witness. This does not mean that the witness must do all the preparation herself, the bridesmaids can also take an active part. But the witness must take care of the venue of the party, organize an entertainment program and an interesting surprise for the bride. If the witness can not organize the party, then she must delegate this task to any of her friends, but in no case should she shift it onto the shoulders of the bride, who will have enough worries on the eve of the wedding. By the way, to see that after the party the bride has rested and was full of strength for the upcoming celebration, also enters into the duties of the witness.

What should the witness prepare for the wedding?

It is necessary to take care of such necessary little things like a needle and thread, antistatic, wet napkins, glue, nail polish. Since during the celebration the witness has to monitor the appearance of the bride, it is worth collecting a cosmetic bag, which should have everything necessary to correct the makeup and the bride's hair.

How to dress as a witness for a wedding?

In addition to the fact that the attire of the witness must be organically combined with the bride's dress, it must be convenient and practical. What you need to wear a witness for a wedding also depends on the theme of the holiday. It is best if the witness discusses her outfit with the bride in advance.

What does the witness at the wedding do?

First of all, the witness must come to the bride long before the start of the celebration, to help with the attire, if necessary to calm and make sure that everything was ready for the groom's arrival. The role of the witness at the time of redemption at the wedding before the painting and during the banquet, during the abduction of the bride is agreed in advance, but, as a rule, the organization of this part of the holiday also falls on her shoulders. When painting, the witness first congratulates the bride, supports the festive mood and is responsible for documents, passports and marriage certificate. And after numerous congratulations from the guests, the witness takes the bride's gifts of flowers, the main thing is not to take in the bustle and a wedding bouquet, which must remain with the newlyweds. After the painting, the witnesses go with the newlyweds to the photo session. At this stage, the witness also faces a difficult task, she should monitor the appearance of the bride, so that the shots are not spoiled by sweltering ink, a collapsed hairdo or stains on the dress. In addition, it is necessary to keep the festive mood, to make sure that the bride is not tired and in full splendor appeared at the banquet. How to behave to the witness at the wedding during the banquet and so it is clear - to be cheerful, active, participate in all competitions, monitor the mood of the guests. In addition, the witness must, until the very last moment, tirelessly pay attention to the bride, as soon as there is the slightest need.

The role of the witness in the ransom at the wedding

Despite the fact that this custom has become symbolic today, it is still the very beginning of the celebration, which will set the right rhythm and cheerful mood for the whole holiday. Therefore, the witness needs to try hard - write a script, make props to him and prepare participants so that everyone can play their part without problems.

Apparently, the title of honorary witness at the wedding is not just a symbolic following of traditions, but rather a troublesome and time-consuming affair. And that everything turned out to be at the highest level of the witness, there is nothing else left than to be reserved for strength, patience, and a good mood.