Women's logic - how it works and how to understand it?

Female logic - what is it? Why do men wonder and stumble about the phenomenon of female logic, what is wrong with it? The mind of women is not exactly understandable, but it can be done, relying on feelings and emotions, then everything falls into place. Women's logic is also characteristic of impulsive men.

What is female logic?

Do women have logic - a purely masculine question. Logic as a concept exists in the world, therefore it can be said that a woman is the same person as a man, and her thoughts are peculiar, sometimes chaotic and do not fit into the male concept. Women do not always understand themselves. Why is that? Women's logic is a phenomenal way of thinking, in which they are intertwined in a special way:

There are several concepts that look at women's logic from different angles:

  1. Social concept . The way a woman thinks, which helps her to organize and arrange her home life as much as possible.
  2. Biological concept . Hereditary transfer. Two X-chromosomes are responsible for the transfer of female logic. If the chromosome is one, then it is the owner of the usual (male) logic.
  3. Feminist concept . Feminists believe that the concept of "female logic" is invented by men - misogynists in order to show that the male intellect is many times more feminine.

Is female logic a myth or a reality?

Is there a female logic - sociological research does not give an unambiguous answer. But if great importance is attached to the study of this phenomenon, then, after all, it has the right to exist, at least, because there are women themselves. The secrets of women's logic have been understood since ancient times by philosophers and writers. Some men annoy this incomprehensibility, others only make a helpless gesture and involuntarily admire ... and accept beautiful women, such as they are.

Male and female logic - differences

Logic is a science formed in ancient times and assuming that if several people own the same information they will draw the same conclusions and see the correct interrelations. It is believed that such a logic is inherent in men, prone to rational thinking by nature. Women's logic can see such connections and phenomena in the information provided, which in the masculine view either do not matter or are not noticed at all.

The difference between female and male logic is remarkably and with humor reflected in aphorisms and utterances:

  1. Male logic: I find out - I'll kill, female: even kill - I find out!
  2. What is the difference between male and female logic? Men's - more correctly, women's - more interesting.
  3. Female logic: "Because I decided so! And why I decided so, I have not decided yet! ".

In the eternal dispute whose logic is better, there are no winners and losers. And, seriously, women's logic and masculine are really different:

  1. A woman trusts her feelings and intuition . The man is guided by the mind and the facts provided.
  2. Biological features of the structure of the brain. In women, when in an unusual situation, the frontal lobes of the brain, responsible for the manifestation of feelings and emotions , begin to work, the men immediately turn on the processing centers of incoming information from the outside.

Female logic - psychology

Women's thinking and logic are based on the work of the left brain, responsible for the development of creative abilities, these are more developed feelings and emotions, a heightened sixth sense. Psychologists believe that this way of thinking in women contributed to nature itself. A woman is physically weaker than men, and therefore advantages in a specific, different from male thinking help a weak half of humanity to feel danger and see connections and nuances that a man will never notice, or go out "gracefully" from a dispute and prove his case.

How does female logic work?

Women's logic is a special, only thinking-based woman, based on her reasoning. All the work of women's logic is based on the factors that together formed it:

  1. A hormonal background that often changes in the middle of the menstrual cycle and during critical days. The behavior of women and their actions becomes "illogical" from the point of view of men.
  2. Sensation or intuition . To the question "why did you do this?" A woman can not give an intelligible answer that suits a man. But life experience placed in the unconscious allows a woman far better than men to read non-verbal information: facial expressions, gestures and with 100% accuracy, say, for example, whether you can trust a particular person.
  3. High emotionality and natural sacrifice . What throws a woman into the arms of male alcoholics, losers. The desire to save is illogical for men, but it is characteristic of women.

How to understand women's logic?

How do men understand what women want and why they behave "illogically"? For this you need to know the essence of female logic. A few simple recommendations for men who want to understand the course of women's thoughts or their logic:

Woman with male logic

The concept of female logic provokes protest among many women, as a manifestation of chauvinistic tendencies. But any logic, whether it's female, male or logic as a science - is trained as skills, any kind of thinking can be mastered by experience. There are women who from birth are inherent male form of logic, they are rational and consistent, have an analytical mind. Such women successfully realize themselves in "male" professions.