Vedic psychology

The Vedas are an ancient science of the world, its structure and integrity. Vedic psychology is a branch of the Vedas, a science that works with the consciousness of a person, studies and cures souls. Any other direction of psychology works with the human mind and like modern medicine treats consequences rather than symptoms. Vedic psychology of direction on the division of mind and soul, the attainment of happiness through a pacified mind.

Vedas and success

At the stage of acquaintance with Vedic psychology, the question is spread, why it is called the psychology of success. Understanding what Vedas are, you yourself can answer without difficulty: the pacification of the mind and the happy soul inevitably lead to success, material prosperity, knowledge of where to get money, how to dispose of them, and in general, why they are needed by man. But the laws of the universe are such that, if you do not achieve happiness, you will not know success .

Vedic psychology of success is guided by the following goals:

The training of Vedic psychology has become so widespread in the modern world, precisely because we are accustomed to seek happiness with the mind. A person is looking for satisfaction in food, alcohol, nicotine, sex, all this is exciting to the mind, but the excitement goes on and there is emptiness.

The easiest way to characterize the psychology of the Vedas is with the words "quiet, peaceful happiness". You will learn to pacify, calm your mind, and enjoy spiritual values: communication with your loved ones, self-development, perfection. The joy achieved through the Vedas is an inexhaustible, ever-growing happiness.