Affirmations for love

Love is the greatest power that makes it possible to feel the world a little differently, and experience a lot of positive emotions. It is not surprising that each of us strives to know this feeling. True, some have to reap it for quite some time. It's good that there are ways to fill your life with love. One of such ways are affirmations for the love of a man. Just do not confuse them with magic, they will not lead to you on the threshold of the "prince", but only change your attitude to life, give you the opportunity to act in such a way as to achieve the goal . Therefore, only to repeat affirmations to attract love is not enough, you will need to act independently.

Affirmations for attracting love

  1. My heart is open to new love.
  2. I am a magnet that attracts love into my life.
  3. I enjoy love and intimacy.
  4. I find an ideal person for me, between us is passion and love.
  5. I love men, and my life is open to them.
  6. I attract love, because I deserve it.
  7. I give and accept love easily, without effort.
  8. I feel that I am loved.
  9. I love and I am loved. It is wonderful!
  10. I allow myself to love, it's completely safe.
  11. My heart is open for tenderness and mutual love.
  12. I really deserve love.
  13. I radiate love into the world, and she returns to me.
  14. I allow myself to be desired and beloved.
  15. I love myself as the most precious person in my life.

In addition to affirmations for love, you can use no less effective method of sending love. It is based on the immutable law of retribution, as they say "what you sow, then you will reap." Therefore, if you want to receive love, then you need to give it away. Moreover, it is necessary to give it not only to the world, but to itself.

Affirmations for man's love and happiness in relationships

It's not enough to bring love to life, I also want to keep the relationship for a long time. To do this, you can use affirmations of the following content.

  1. My earthly marriage is a reflection of the alliance made in heaven.
  2. Every day my marriage gets better and stronger.
  3. I create romance and love in my life.
  4. I feel an irresistible craving for my partner.
  5. I have a pure, unconditional love for my partner.
  6. We with the partner very much like each other.
  7. My partner is loyal to me.
  8. My partner is the love of my life, and he treats me as well.
  9. My partner and I are ideally suited sexually.
  10. I have a wonderful partner, we are happy.
  11. My partner and I are ideally suited spiritually.
  12. I and my partner are ideally suited intellectually.
  13. I am grateful to my relationship for the lessons.
  14. In my marriage, everything is fine.
  15. We are ideally suited with a partner emotionally.
  16. I have a happy sexual relationship with a person who really loves me.
  17. All the changes in my marriage life are positive, I'm completely safe.
  18. I always keep a sense of humor to the events in our marriage.
  19. I sincerely admire my husband.
  20. My partner respects my point of view, and I respect his opinion.

Repeat all the above affirmations to attract a loved one is not necessary, choose only those that are in you the greatest response, or better yet, come up with your own statement. Since it will be much more effective than other people's words, your personal affirmation will reflect your state, it will be charged with your energy, which means it will work better. Also it is worth remembering that not only specially pronounced affirmations have influence, but also your other thoughts and words. Therefore, if in the morning you say a couple of times to yourself that you are worthy of love, and the rest of the day you will be plagued by thoughts that you do not have anything shining, since the figure is not the same, and in general you are a failure, then no positive effect from affirmations worth it.