World Cat Day

In many states national cat days are arranged, but still the World Cat Day was established on August 8 from 2002 on all countries on the initiative of the International Organization for the Protection of Animals. The holiday unites hundreds of millions of owners across all continents.

The importance of cats in human life

Most of the inhabitants of the planet keep cats at home. They give people aesthetic pleasure with their beauty, mild behavior, sweet purring.

In addition, pets bring a lot of benefit - they destroy rodents, treat ailments and are able to prolong the life of their owners. It is believed that the holders of the cat breed are less likely to get heart attacks and strokes. There is a special kototerapiya. Scientists have proved that fuzzy, purring, can cure joints and gynecological diseases.

Not surprisingly, in many countries they are on special state provision. In Britain, cats are revered most, because one individual can save up to 10 tons of grain per year from mice. Several quadrupeds even formally guard against value mice in the British Museum. And in Austria, cats guarding storage facilities are paid lifelong food kits in the form of meat and milk. In many countries there are monuments to cute creatures, even museums.

How is the holiday celebrated?

On this day, animal lovers around the world celebrate the merits of the cat, show them their respect and love.

In the World Cat and Cat Day, they are treated to a variety of delicacies, they buy original houses and toys. Loving owners sew stylish clothes for pets, make beautiful photosessions.

Interestingly, this event is timed with the opening of cat parks, shops, hotels, nurseries, exhibitions of animals are held, clothing collections are sewed.

On this day should pay attention to the problems of homeless animals, draw attention to this issue. With the help of charity auctions, activists raise funds to open new nurseries, call on the state to implement humane programs to sterilize homeless individuals in order to control their population.

There are few people who are indifferent to cats - dear fluffy creatures. They were and remain the most common pets. The person's task is to protect mewing pets, to help public organizations in helping and alleviating the fate of homeless animals.