Proper nutrition for muscle growth

Usually women like fire are afraid of the expression "muscle growth" and it's not surprising, because we want to be attractive to men, and not to look like them. However, experts try to console us in every possible way: for a set of "male" muscle mass (both the distribution of muscles along the body and their total number), a woman needs to raise the testosterone level tenfold. And this, in turn, is possible only with testosterone and steroid supplements.

So, you can swing without fear. Now it remains only to determine what needs to be done to activate muscle growth. First of all, for muscle growth you need strength training , but muscles grow not during, but after classes and it is at this point that the proper nutrition for muscle growth will help us.


As you know, to lose weight you need to ensure that the amount of calories consumed was less than the amount spent. And here - on the contrary. But calorie calories are different, you need to correctly choose the ratio of protein-carbohydrate-fat, in order to gain muscle, and not fat mass. So, per day you should consume 200-300 kcal more than you lose.


The metabolism of women from the metabolism of men differs, perhaps, only one factor - carbohydrate metabolism. Since we actively convert carbohydrates into fats, our diet should be low-carbohydrate, but of those carbohydrates that we leave, only slow ones should be present. Part of carbohydrates in the diet for muscle growth should be 40%.


You can not leave yourself without "useful" fats, that is - polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are responsible for burning fat mass, they have the longest list of useful properties. We will find them in oily fish. In a healthy diet for muscle growth, the percentage of fat will be 20%.


Muscles - consist of proteins, and without them we just can not cope with the task. The source of proteins should be the daily intake of lactic acid products. A glass of milk is considered a complete meal, and it should not be combined with any other products. In addition, once a day, necessarily eat something from meat (but not semi-finished products!), Let it be boiled or stew. The proportion of proteins in the diet for muscle growth should be 40%.

Vitamins and fiber

Fruits and vegetables are, first of all, replenishment of vitamin reserve and indispensable for digestion cellulose. Give preference to sour fruits, because sweet - these are the same fast carbohydrates that will drain your beaten sweet and fat pancreas. Let the consumption of fruit also be a separate meal, not a snack.

No fast food

Consumption of fast food is not only harmful, but also expensive. Accustom yourself to take food with you from home. Food from the common food consists of fast carbohydrates, harmful fats, preservatives and food additives, this mode does not combine with a healthy lifestyle, go completely to home food, it is useful not only for muscle growth, but also for the state of health.


So we dismantled all the necessary food for muscle growth. But do not forget about the liquid. Water in its pure form per day should be not less than 1.5 liters. Very often we confuse thirst with hunger. Drink before meals, but after eating, refrain from liquids for 1.5 - 2 hours. Drink during and after exercise.

Nutritional supplements

If you are preparing for competitions, then you really need sports nutrition in the form of various food supplements. However, if you want to gain weight for yourself, for beauty and health, then you do not need to accustom your body to sports nutrition. Since after stopping all possible "protein cocktails", you will dramatically lose both the gained weight and your physical strength. Take care of natural and healthy food.

All that is left now is to go into the hall and fearlessly start the power training!