How to cook syrup?

Sugar syrup - a transparent viscous liquid, was invented and first started to be used by the Arabs. A syrup is a concentrated sugar-water solution, or a solution of natural fruit juice with sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose , maltose), or pure sweetened vegetable juice. Naturally, syrups from vegetable raw materials have aromas and tastes of initial fruits. The content of sugars in the syrup is usually from 40 to 80% (in home cooking, syrups with a sugar content of 30-60% are most often used).

Syrups are widely used in the preparation of various confectionery products: jams, confitures, candied fruits and other sweets-for preserving fruits, vegetables and some other products, for thickening liquid foods, for preparing various drinks: compotes, liqueurs and liquors. Syrups are also widely used in pharmacology for the preparation, stabilization and preservation of liquid medicinal mixtures.

Tell us how to cook sugar syrup for cooking jam.

Cook syrup from water and sugar

In most recipes for cooking jam, there is a time when berries, or fruit, are poured with sugar syrup, such as for example.



Choose the desired sugar content for sugar, taking into account the sugar content, acidity and juiciness of the original fruit-berries (with greater softness and juiciness, a large sugar content of the syrup is required). The most universal option for jam is a 40-50% solution. This means that 0.4-0.5 liters of water will go from 400 to 600 grams of sugar.

Bring the water to a boil and pour the sugar. Stir until completely dissolved with a slight boil. After completely dissolving the sugar, cook the syrup for 3-5 minutes. If the solution turns out to be unclear, it can be filtered through a filter made of several layers of clean medical gauze. If the syrup is filtered, bring it to the boil again, boil for 1-2 minutes, and it is ready for later use.

Now tell us how to cook syrup from berries, for example, currants and / or cherries for making beverages, desserts and confectionery.

If you are preparing a syrup based on pure fresh fruit juice, it is best to do it in a "water bath" - with this method of preparation, the maximum of vitamins and other nutrients contained in the fruit will remain.


Warm up the juice in a "water bath" and dissolve sugar in it (completely) with a spoon (the required proportions see above).

You can act a little differently if you are preparing syrup from a mixture of juice and water.


Dissolve completely the sugar in boiling water (or at a temperature of 75-80 ° C, there are kettles with heating control to the desired temperature). Turn off the fire, wait 5-8 minutes, pour in the juice and mix, here's the syrup and ready.