Prayer after eating food

In Christianity, from time immemorial, great importance is attached to the themes of hunger and gluttony. Of course, there is nothing surprising in the fact that even special prayers were read before and after meals. Their words, on the one hand, ask for food from God for all the people of the world, and on the other hand, ask for protection from gluttony, for "man does not eat bread alone".

How do they read the prayers?

Prayers should be read in the dining room, and preferably, there should be an icon. Each family has its own rules for reading thankful prayers before and after meals. In some houses it is customary to say a prayer aloud, singing, or to yourself, when one of the members of the family reads aloud, and all the others repeat barely audible.

Sometimes they sit down on their knees, elbows resting on the table, sometimes praying while standing, sometimes sitting. You can, if you wish, read the prayer, closing your eyes.

What prayers are read before and after eating?

The most popular prayer before eating is "Our Father". They also read "The eyes of all on thee, Lord, they trust," "They eat miserable and are satisfied." Also on holidays, prayers can be replaced by the singing of a troparion. Troparions are short chants, they can also be found in the prayer book.

After eating food, it is customary to read the prayer "Thank You, O Christ our God, for you have satisfied us with your earthly blessings." After reading this prayer, you can no longer eat until the next meal, as her words will mark the end of the meal. Also, after prayers before meals, you can not get up from the table, because you are interrupting the blessed circle created around this meal.

When are the children and guests around?

If you have a clergyman, he is entrusted with the right to pray before and after eating. However, if you have secular people visiting your home and you do not know how they feel about your religion, it's better to postpone prayer before they leave, because you can simply put them in a bad position. If a compromise is found with the guests, and they do not object to the consecration of food, it's like you do not respect them, do not trust the guest to lead a common prayer - not the fact that he will like it.

As for the children (your), it is extremely important to accustom them to prayer. Children who are accustomed from the early years to the fact that any initiative should start with a prayer, in the future will be able to easily adapt to the post and visit the temple.

During the reading of the prayer before and after meals, one must be baptized. If children do not yet have the dexterity and understanding to cross themselves, parents should do it instead of them.

In any case, they will remember that gluttony is bad, and you need to be saturated with fellowship with God.

Prayer before eating "Our Father"

Our, Thou art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and earth. Give us this day our daily bread; And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. Lord have mercy. (Thrice) Bless.

Prayer before and after eating