17-OH progesterone is the norm

During pregnancy planning, a woman learns more and more information about her body, about the features of his structure and functioning, about hormones that affect the ability to conceive a child and develop a fetus. Progesterone is one of the main hormones that directly affects the process of bearing the fetus, for which it is called the "pregnancy hormone". He plays a very important role during the first trimester, when the future child's body is being formed.

What is the norm of 17 - OH progesterone?

17-OH progesterone (17-hydroxyprogesterone) is a steroid produced in the adrenal glands, sex glands and placenta, the product of the metabolic transformations of progesterone and 17-hydroxyprepnenone is one of the placenta progestins. Biomaterial - blood is used for the analysis. The result can be obtained already the day after the deposit. The most revealing is the 5-6 day of the normal menstrual cycle.

The hormone norm of 17-OH progesterone depends on the period of pregnancy. If the pregnancy is normal, then there is no need to take this analysis. If there is a suspicion of an elevated level of hormones, you must pass the test and consult with your doctor. For a pregnant woman, the norm is 17-OH progesterone:

If 17-OH progesterone is above the norm , endocrinologist's consultation is necessary. Often recommend drugs Metisred, Dexamethozone, Femoston, Dyufaston according to the instructions, then retake the tests. Taking medicines is only necessary for the doctor's prescription, as the results of the tests and the characteristics of the body are individual and require medical analysis and constant monitoring during the administration of medications. Practice shows that correctly selected treatment and compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor lead to a decrease to the level of the norm of 17-OH progesterone and the successful pregnancy before the baby is born.