What is Actovegin used for in pregnancy?

With current gestation, women are often forced to take various medications. As a rule, they are appointed to correct or prevent the development of complications. Often, the drugs are taken by those women whose previous pregnancies ended in miscarriages or fading of the fetus. Consider such a drug as Actovegin, and find out why it is prescribed for pregnancy.

What is Actovegin?

This drug is produced by prolonged treatment from the blood of young calves. The main action of Actovegin is the improvement of tissue trophism. In addition, there is an increase in the resistance of cells to oxygen starvation. At the same time, there is an improvement in the process of energy exchange in the body, thanks to the increased use of glucose.

What are Actovegin tablets prescribed for pregnant women?

Despite the beneficial effects of the drug described above on the body, the most important during the gestation of a baby is the ability of Actovegin to increase blood circulation in the "mother-baby" system.

According to statistics, the most common complication of pregnancy is placental insufficiency. Such a violation is characterized by a delay in the development of the fetus, the development of oxygen starvation. As a rule, fetoplacental insufficiency appears as a concomitant disease in the pathological course of gestation.

With the progression of the disorder, formation of a complex consisting of the inability to perform the placenta of trophic, endocrine and metabolic functions is noted. As a result, this anatomical formation becomes unable to maintain a proper exchange of nutrients and oxygen in the mother's body with the fetus.

It is with this violation that Actovegin is prescribed for pregnancy, for which a woman is given injections, pills, droppers. The choice of the pharmacological form of the drug and the mode of administration, first of all, depends on the type of disorder, its severity, the general condition of the pregnant woman. In situations requiring emergency care, doctors inject the drug intramuscularly or intravenously (the threat of placental detachment, partial detachment, severe oxygen deficiency in the fetus ).

In addition, Actovegin can be used for such violations as:

A distinctive feature of the drug is the fact that the effect is observed after 10-30 minutes from the moment of administration. The maximum therapeutic effect of using the drug is observed after 3 hours. The drug can be used with high efficiency in the treatment of chronic processes.

How does the fetus Actovegin, administered during pregnancy, affect the fetus?

The numerous studies carried out on this account show that the components of the drug do not adversely affect the fetus. This fact, in fact, confirms the widespread use of the drug in the gestation process.

It is the use of Actovegin that can significantly improve the arterial and venous circulation in the "mother-placenta-fetus" system. After using this medication, doctors note a decrease in the frequency of early delivery at fetoplacental insufficiency, improvement in the dynamics of the intrauterine development of the child. In addition, the use of Actovegin helps improve the tolerance of the baby to the delivery process.