Linoleum laying

Self-paving linoleum - a responsible, but quite doable. The main thing is to properly organize and conduct preparatory work. The process of laying is simple. What kinds of linoleum exist, and how to implement its laying learn from our article.

Choice of linoleum

First of all, you need among the proposed variety to choose a suitable and correct type of linoleum. If you are going to bed it at home or in an apartment, you need a household version with a substrate and PVC surface. Its thickness should not be less than 3-5 mm, and the thickness of the protective coating - not less than 0.25 mm.

If it is a children's room, it is preferable to choose natural linoleum , which consists of only natural ingredients. And if the linoleum will lie in the kitchen or hallway, you need a more durable and wear-resistant option.

Preparation of the surface for laying linoleum

Proper preparation of the foundation is a guarantee of the success of the whole event. So you need to approach this issue more than responsibly. Removing irregularities and defects of the cement floor can be done with a cement-sand screed.

It is carried out in three stages: 1 - roughing, 2 - finishing and 3 - leveling screed. Correctly having executed all three stages, you eliminate even the slightest changes, so that linoleum will not be erased and will not break in places of roughnesses.

If the floor is wooden, the preparation will be slightly different. You need to remove all nails, hardware, paint, varnish and at the end clean the surface. It is most convenient to grind with an electric grinder or a grinder.

In the case where the plank floor is old, there are too many crevices between the boards and there are other serious irregularities, it is better to simply lay the plywood sheets on top of the boards and fix them with screws and screwdrivers. Such training will be the best, though not the cheapest.

Directly laying linoleum on the floor

The technology of laying linoleum is quite primitive, and it will be mastered by any, even a beginner builder. You need to spread the canvas on the floor, immediately placing a corner of the linoleum in one of the corners of the room, that is, two adjacent walls. Thus, you need to cut off the remaining two sides.

Cut it to the shape of your room, not forgetting to leave a small margin for shrinkage - 1-2 cm on each side. The cutting of linoleum consists in pruning all the surplus with a construction knife and adjusting the fabric to the shape of the room.

Methods of laying linoleum depends on the area of ​​the room. If it is small, you can limit yourself to simply fixing it with skirting boards.

But if you want to additionally fix the linoleum, you can glue it to a double-sided adhesive tape. First stick the strip on the floor, and then remove the protective film and roll the linoleum from one side of the room to the other.

If the width of the linoleum is not enough for the entire room, you need to dock several paintings so that it's as inconspicuous as possible. This can be done with an additional strip of double-sided adhesive tape.

A more professional way to connect sheets of linoleum - the method of hot welding, which will require special equipment - a welding gun. However, for ordinary household linoleum this can be fraught with the fact that it will simply melt, because the temperature at which the gluing takes place reaches 4000 ° C.

The cold welding method is more suitable for such purposes. To do this, on the edge of the linoleum, you need to paste the paint tape to prevent the glue from getting outside the seam. Carefully need to cut it along the seam line, and then take a tube with glue and screw it on a special cap. Slowly and gently carry it along the joint line, pressing on the tube. The glue penetrates into the joint and reliably glues the two webs together. We simply remove the paint tape and wait 8 hours until the glue dries completely.

After screwing the skirting boards, repairs in the laying of linoleum can be considered complete.