Height of standing of the bottom of the uterus

Registration of the numerical value of this obstetric parameter, such as the height of the standing of the uterine fundus, is an integral procedure when visiting a pregnant gynecologist. By this term in obstetrics it is customary to understand the distance from the upper edge of the pubic articulation to the upper wall of the uterus, which protrudes from the front of the pelvic cavity. As you know, the uterus increases with a period, and the measurement of the height of its bottom is possible only from 16 weeks. As a rule, before this time the gynecologist determines the value of this parameter when performing a vaginal examination.

How are these measurements carried out?

In order to determine the value of such a parameter as the height of the standing of the uterine fundus, the pregnant woman is offered to lie down on the couch. In this case, the legs of the woman should be necessarily straightened, and the bladder is preferably emptied. Measure with a centimeter tape.

What can indicate the discrepancy between the parameter and the duration of gestation?

Normally, the height of the standing of the bottom of the uterus should fully correspond to the term and not exceed the values ​​indicated in the special table. However, this is not always observed. It should be taken into account that fluctuations in the interval of 3 cm, in large or in the opposite direction, the smaller side, can not indicate a violation.

So this parameter can be lower than the norm as a result of:

The height of standing of the uterine fundus at a seemingly normal pregnancy above the norm can be observed in such

Thus, for such a parameter as the height of the standing of the uterus, you can determine the number of weeks of pregnancy, as well as diagnose the disorder in its early stage.