Salted salmon

Salmonids (such as pink salmon, salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, chinook salmon, whitefish, omul, char, trout, taimen, lenok and some other species) are a valuable product of extraction and breeding. One of the most popular ways of harvesting salmon is salting (well, or ambassador). Salted and lightly salted salmon is an excellent delicacy snack for vodka.

We will tell in detail how salting salmon at home, recipes, in general, are quite simple.

The main methods of salting are two: "dry" and in brine (salt solution in water). Whole salmon (gutted) weighing from 300 g to 1.5 kg is more convenient to be salted in a dry way.

Recipe for salted salmon


We clean the fish from the scales, carefully gut and remove the gills. If the fish is large enough, you can cut off the head (on the ear). Gently we dry the carcass from the inside and outside with a napkin. Cut out a piece of parchment paper so that you can wrap the fish entirely. Paper slightly sprinkled with large salt evenly, salmon from the inside and outside rubbing salt, not sparing, and wrapped in paper tightly. We put it on the shelf of the refrigerator. In a day - it's ready. Who is afraid of parasites, can freeze-freeze the fish in the freezer compartment for another day or wait for another 2 days.

You can refine with mixtures for salting.

Mixture for salting salting


Mixture for spicy salted salting


Large individual pieces of fish (with or without bones) can be salted both in a dry manner and in brine. If the salt is dry, you can pour a piece of salt mixture and put under a press.

The principle of preparation of brine is ingeniously simple: pour water (cold) into a container and put damp potatoes or egg into it. Mix the salt (or salt mixture) until the egg or potato emerges. Fill pieces of fish with brine in a tight container so that the brine covers them completely. Salting out at least 1 day, if the fish as a whole, with the heads and ridges, it is better not less than 2 days.

Salted salmon in Swedish (he is also Gravlax)



Mix all the ingredients and salt in the same way as described above. Dill will give a special taste to salmon . However, if you practice a little, study the question and include fantasy, you will certainly come up with or choose your own version.

In the same simple way, you can salt trout at home , it will be original and tasty.