Twisting on the press

Currently, experts agreed on the opinion that it is the twisting on the press that are the most effective exercise that allows you to find a beautiful belly line in a fairly short time. The advantage of this exercise is also that it can be varied using additional devices, as well as it can easily be practiced both in the gym and in a regular city apartment.

How do you twist?

Straight twists are a basic exercise that must enter into absolutely any complex affecting the abdominal muscles. It is so simple and effective that ignoring it would be a big mistake. We will analyze how to perform twisting on the floor - this is the most popular variant, since it does not require any additional means.

Lay down on the floor, bend your knees, do not tear off the feet from the floor. Hands bend at the elbows and wind over the head, elbows should look clearly in the sides. Perform a smooth separation of the blades from the floor (it is not necessary to climb more strongly). Make sure that when you do, your elbows are still looking to the sides, and the chin is not pressed against the chest. Between them there must be a distance into which your fist can easily fit. Neck during the exercise does not need to strain - you are upward stretching solely the strength of your press. Repeat 3 approaches 20 times.

Straight twists on the press perfectly help to form a beautiful tummy. This exercise has many options, for example, lateral and reverse twists, which help to work out oblique abdominal muscles and the so-called lower press, respectively.

In addition to the classical version of twisting for the abdominal muscles, which is performed lying on the floor or on a special rug, there are variations of twisting in the simulator that can perfectly replace the classic option for those who regularly attend the gym.

Twisting on the block

This version of twisting with weigher is most effective for working out the middle part of the press, including for creating beautiful "cubes". The implementation is significantly different from the classical version.

Get on your knees, get your hands behind your head, take in the palm of your hand a block simulator. In this position, make a deep exhalation and twist in the direction of the rug (or floor). In order to get rid of fat deposits and find a beautiful form of the abdomen, you need to repeat this exercise with light or medium weight in 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions. It is important not to help yourself with your hands, but to work precisely by the press, to feel its tension. Perform the exercise smoothly, without jerking.

If the twisting of the prone works the entire abdominal press and especially its upper part, then the use of the block simulator allows a more intensive load to be given to the middle part of the press. These exercises are best performed in a complex, rather than in isolation.

Twisting on a Roman chair

This is an excellent exercise for the middle and upper press, which is performed using a special simulator.

Sit on the Roman chair, placing the pelvis completely on the seat, with your arms crossed on your chest and resting their legs in rollers. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and lower your torso below your hips. After this, twist forward: raise the head and shoulders by about 30 or 60 degrees with respect to the body. If it's hard for you, you can raise your torso higher. Once you have overcome the most difficult part, exhale, and at the top, always pause and feel the tension of the abdominal muscles. After that, go back to the starting position. The main thing is to exercise the exercise as smoothly and slowly as possible, so that the muscles work, and not the force of a jerk or inertia.

Similarly, twists are performed on an inclined bench, but there the ascent can be complete.