Tone of the uterus in pregnancy - treatment

Hypertension of the uterus during pregnancy is one of the most common symptoms in expectant mothers. According to statistics, every second pregnant woman faces him. In this case, the tone of the uterus is understood as excessive muscle tension, when the uterus becomes like a stone. A woman feels it as a dragging pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back.

Causes of tonus

If the pregnancy is normal, the muscles of the uterus are in a relaxed state. They begin to contract only in the period of childbirth, when the fruit is pulled out. If their activation takes place before the due date, it is threatened with miscarriage, premature birth due to a dead pregnancy or for some other reason.

The tone of the uterus can appear on a variety of terms - in the beginning, in the middle or at the end of pregnancy. In early terms, the cause may be a violation of the hormonal background of the woman herself, which is why the production of progesterone is reduced. In this case, the doctors, after confirming the diagnosis, prescribe progesterone preparations, as well as antispasmodics and add to this the recommendations for reducing physical activity.

If the hypertension appears around the middle of pregnancy (at 16-18 weeks), this is most likely due to the growth of the placenta and the fact that it begins to weigh on the cervix, bladder and other organs. In this case, the woman is shown wearing a bandage for pregnant women , which helps to distribute weight correctly and relieve the load from the spine.

The tone at 34-35 weeks can mean the so-called "false labor" and the precursors of childbirth, which is a normal phenomenon - the preparation of the organism for the forthcoming birth. In this case, no active action is taken, since the state is considered to be natural.

How to relieve the tone of the uterus during pregnancy?

Treatment of the uterus tone during pregnancy is reduced to taking antispasmodics (no-shpa, papaverine suppositories), as well as preparations Magnesium B6, Ginipral, Viburkol. The choice and prescription of medicines is performed by the doctor on the basis of the conducted research and ascertaining the cause of this condition.

If the cause of progesterone insufficiency, with tonus of the uterus, are prescribed artificial substitutes for this hormone: Utrozhestan or Dufaston.

Homeopathic suppositories Viburkol, incidentally, is prescribed not only for the tone of the uterus and the threat of miscarriage, but also for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system of the pregnant woman, as well as diseases of the ENT organs, normalization of body temperature, and removal of symptoms of flatulence.

Ginipral is a drug for reducing muscle tension, frequency and intensity of contractions, preventing the opening of the cervix. He is often prescribed for the threat of miscarriage and tonus of the uterus.

Other ways to combat the tone of the uterus

With the tone of the uterus, in addition to drug treatment, a woman is shown relative physical rest, a full sleep, outdoor walks, and a guard against negative emotions. Some women prefer to use folk remedies for the tone of the uterus, but one must be extremely cautious, because even methods that are harmless at first glance can be dangerous for a woman and a child.

To reduce the tone of the uterus can be and with the help of special gymnastics. Exercises to remove the tone of the uterus can be performed at home. They are reduced to the ability to relax and relax their body. And not always it is possible to achieve, even pretty much having trained. Therefore, it is better to combine this method with faster ones, since the protracted tone of the uterus is not good for the baby.

Fight with the tone of the uterus can be, if you know what products reduce it. For example, they can include wheat germ, royal jelly, vitamin E. At the same time, you need to limit yourself to products that cause constipation (rice, white and bread, sweets).