38-39 weeks of pregnancy

At 38-39 a week, your pregnancy is already coming to its logical conclusion. As a rule, many women are eagerly awaiting delivery because the "weight" they need to wear is about 7-8 kilograms. Count yourself, because the average weight of the child is 3.5 kg, amniotic fluid occupies 1.5 kg, and 2 kg falls on the uterus and placenta. Yes, and the state of the pregnant woman in the last weeks, beginning with physical discomfort due to a large belly, ending with aching pain in the lower back , can hardly be called pleasant, so the delivery at this time for many are a pleasant surprise.

Features of 38-39 weeks of pregnancy

The onset of 38-39 weeks of gestation is accompanied by some worsening of well-being. This is explained by an increase in the overall burden on the body - the pulse rate increases, and the heart system has to work with increased loads.

At 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, you can notice some discharge - mucus with blood veins. Similarly, the mucus plug separates, which protects the entrance to the vagina. To panic and rush to the hospital is not necessary - before the birth of labor is still far away. The separation of the mucous plug only indicates that until the delivery there is a maximum of 2 weeks.

By the end of pregnancy the center of gravity shifts, which causes the woman to deviate slightly when walking. In addition, the movements of the pregnant woman become more smooth, and in the loin because of the high load, as a rule, there is a drawing pain.

39 obstetric week of pregnancy can be accompanied by pain in the joints, which is due to the loss of the body of minerals. After delivery, the pain will gradually pass, but for now try to include in your diet products containing calcium.

Another trouble is stretch marks on the abdomen. Striae can appear suddenly, regardless of whether you have used preventive measures or not. After delivery, stretch marks will lighten and become less noticeable.

The changes are also undergoing mammary glands that swell and in some cases secrete colostrum. The milk itself will appear 2-3 days after the birth, and for now the supporting bra will help you, which will prevent the stretching of the pectoral muscles, and accordingly will keep your bust in the proper form.

On the 38-39 weeks of pregnancy, swelling may also occur. If the puffiness is observed on the lower limbs and gives you only physical discomfort, then there is no cause for concern. In case you see a deterioration in overall health and high blood pressure , it is necessary to consult an attending physician immediately, since all these symptoms can be signs of gestosis.

Fetus at 38-39 weeks of gestation

As a rule, pregnancy lasts 40-41 weeks, but under certain factors, labor can develop much earlier. To be afraid of it it is not necessary, in fact the fruit by 38 week is already completely generated and ready to "independent" life. At the end of pregnancy in the intestine of the child there is even the first feces - the product of amniotic fluid processing. So do not be surprised if after the birth the doctor says, that your baby gave him the first "surprise".

Leaves for 38-39 weeks of gestation are almost not observed, since the fetus already occupies the practical free space in the uterus, which prevents him from changing his position. It should be noted that the reduction in space becomes a kind of stress for the baby, which stimulates the release of cortisol. The hormone becomes the cause of uterine contraction, which determines the development of labor. Thus, your baby can "initiate" childbirth himself at 38-39 weeks.